𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓: 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫

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"You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, quill. Come on, groot. Put that game down. You'll rot your brain" rocket said as they got in the pod "i bid you farewell and good luck, donnie and the morons" Thor said as they left

 You'll rot your brain" rocket said as they got in the pod "i bid you farewell and good luck, donnie and the morons" Thor said as they left

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"Gamora. Do you know if these grenades are the blow-off-your-junk kind or the gas kind? Because I was thinking about hanging a couple on my belt right here. But I don't want to if they're the-" Peter said but got cut off by Gamora "I need to ask a favor" "yeah, sure" Peter said "one way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos." Gamora sighed "which is what the grenades are for." Peter said as Gamora looked at him

"uh, I'm sorry. What's the favor?" "If things go wrong...if Thanos gets me...I want you to promise me...you'll kill me." Gamora said as Peter took a minute to register what she just said "what?" Peter asked, hoping that he had just misheard her "I know something he doesn't. And if he finds it out, the entire universe could be at risk" Gamora said "what do you know?" Peter asked

"if I tell you, you'd know too." Gamora said "if it's so important...shouldn't I?" Peter asked "only if you wanna die" "why does somebody always have to die in this scenario?" Peter asked "just...trust me. And possibly kill me." Gamora said "I mean, I'd like to. I really would. But you-" Peter said but got cut off by Gamora putting her hand over his mouth "swear to me. Swear to me on your mother" Gamora shuttered "okay. Okay" Peter said softly while wiping away her tears before they kissed. Their moment was cut short by loud crunching.

they looked over to find that it was drax, looking at them "oh" "dude. How long have you been standing there?" Peter asked "an hour" drax said "an hour?" Peter asked "are you serious?" Gamora asked "I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still...that I become invisible to the eye. Watch" drax said as he began slowly putting the zarg nut in his mouth "you're eating a zarg-nut." Peter said

"but my movement...was so slow...that it's imperceptible." "Mmm...no..You've been hanging out with Donnie too much" Peter said "I'm sure I'm invisible." "Me too" donnie said as he appeared out of thin air next to drax, drax got a bit startled. "Hi, drax" mantis said "damn it" drax said as he walked away

"This place looks deserted" Peter said as they entered Knowhere "I'm reading movement in the third quadrant" drax said "yep, I'm picking that up too. Let's put down right here" Peter said as they landed the ship

"I don't have it" a familiar voice said as they were sneaking behind some boxes and other things "everyone in the galaxy knows you'd sell your own brother...if you thought it would add even the slightest trinket to your pathetic collection" Thanos said as Peter put his hand up for the guardians to stop but they went right past him "I know you have the Reality Stone, Tivan. Giving it to me will spare you a great deal of suffering" Thanos said as he put his large foot on Tivans chest, squishing him

"I told you. I sold it. Why would I lie?" Tivan asked hoarsely "I imagine it's like breathing for you." Thanos said "like suicide" Tivan said "so, you do understand. Not even you would surrender something so precious." Thanos said "I didn't know what it was." Tivan said "then you're more of a fool than I took you for." Thanos said "it's him" drax said with a serious expression on his face

"oh, shit" donnie whispered "last chance, charlatan. Where's the stone?" Thanos asked "today..." "drax, drax" Peter whispered "...he pays for the deaths of my wife and daughter." Drax said "drax, wait" Donnie whispered as drax got out his knife "not yet, not yet, not yet. Drax" donnie repeatedly whispered as drax walked towards Thanos while Peter and them went around "drax, drax, drax. Listen to me. He doesn't have the stone yet. If we get it, then we can stop him. We have to get the stone first. Yeah" Peter whispered

"no. No. For Ovette, for Camaria" drax said as he tried to push Peter off but was interrupted by mantis touching the back of his head "sleep" mantis whispered as drax fell on the floor with a loud thud, gaining Thanos's attention before they all ducked down "okay. Gamora, mantis, you go right. Donnie stay here with drax-" Peter whispered but was cut off by Gamora lunging at Thanos, swiping her toward at him as he caught it and broke it in half, Gamora retorted by stabbing him in the neck with the broken piece of the sword and stabbing him again in the chest with a double sided pocket knife

"why?" Thanos groaned before he collapsed to the ground "why you, daughter?" Thanos groaned as Gamora sobbed "that was fast" Donnie said before Tivan began clapping "magnificent! Magnificent! Magnificent!" Tivan shouted over the sounds of Gamora sobbing "is that sadness I sense in you, daughter?" Thanos asked while still being 'dead'. "In my heart, I knew you still cared. But no one never knows for sure" Thanos said as the world began transforming into what it really was. A catastrophic, fiery wasteland.

"Reality is often disappointing" Thanos said as he appeared out of thin air "that is, it was." He said as he looked at the new addition to collection, a red infinity stone. "Reality can be whatever I want." Thanos said "you knew I'd come." Gamora said "I counted on it. There's something we need to discuss, little one." Thanos said as Gamora suddenly reached for her sword but was grabbed by Thanos "Thanos!" Drax shouted as he began running towards him but was cut off by Thanos raising his fist and turning drax into foam blocks

"No!" Gamora shouted as he turned mantis into a pile of strings while Donnie turned invisible and covered his mouth in fear. "Let her go, grimace" Peter shouted as Thanos smirked "Peter" Gamora sobbed "I told you to go right" Peter said "now? Really?" She cried "you let her go!" "Ah, the boyfriend" Thanos said "no. I'd like to think of myself more as a Titan-killing, long-term booty call. Let her go" "Peter" "I'm gonna blow that nutsack of a chin right off your face" Peter said "not him" Gamora said as tears began filling up in both Peters and Donnie's eyes "you promised. You promised" Gamora sobbed as peter hesitated before directing his gun towards Gamora

"oh, daughter. You expect too much from him. She's asked, hasn't she? Do it" Thanos said as Peter wasn't responding "Do it!" Thanos shouted as he moved her closer to peters gun while she yelped "I told you to go right." Peter said "I love you more than anything" Gamora sobbed "I love you too" Peter said before pulling the trigger, but instead of bullets coming out, bubbles did as his gun also turned into bubbles "I like him" Thanos said before he and Gamora vanished into thin air "you okay?" Donnie asked as he helped mantis gather her strings

Hope you enjoyed!!! Sorry the crying part was kinda cringe

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 (𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐠 𝐱 𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now