the battle of heights [23]

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PLEASE NOTE: i suck at writing battles/wars, but I tried for yall. So this will probably suck <33!!


"oh my god phil! oh my god phil! he's gonna kill me! I'm gonna die! where the fuck is wilbur?!" I panicked as my hands shook and phil clung onto me while holding my hands to stop them from shaking

fundy, purpled, technoblade, tubbo and ranboo were now at the village, apparently quackity had literally sent everyone a message except dream that Dream was coming for tommy

which stressed the fuck out of him!

tubbo hesitantly grabbed hold of my other hand, which stopped me from shaking slightly.

"which one of you guys can fight?" phil asked

"you know I don't do that anymore." technoblade responded, apparently he didn't do much actual war fighting after l'manburg, we all didn't

"I don't think I can do this again." I clutched my face, I felt sweat dripping down my face and everywhere constantly.

I was no pussy, but Dream would scare the shit out of anyone. I shivered. Dream.

I heard a knock on the door, and eveyone in the room seemed to go silent.

fuck. its Dream! No- fuck- wait- Dream isn't a idiot. Who the fuck just knocks on a door during a literal crisis?!

Technoblade scuffled up to get the door, swinging it open with ease, met with a panting Wilbur and Quackity, wilbur managed to crack a grin


The door swung open to reveal a bored Technoblade, who immediately moved out of the way to see a child running right into me

Tommy clutched my trench coat as he sobbed silently, I hugged him back lightly, quackity gave me a apologetic look and we both went inside

"I assume you've all received my announcement." Quackity broke the silence awkwardly

I wanted to say "duh" so desperately, but I knew right now wasn't the time for jokes at all. So a few of us nodded and stayed silent afterwards.

"So what's the plan boss man?" Tubbo asked quackity, and quackity looked over to me for help, I couldn't help but chuckle at his struggling

Quackity looked annoyingly at me when I just simply grinned and gave him a "deal with your own problems" look and he returned back to his own thinking

"I get you two are flirting but can we please not do this during a mid crisis!" Fundy almost whispered, scared that Dream would blow up this place anytime

I looked over to quackity who scoffed and blushed furiously I gave him a smirk and didn't look back when he looked like he was about to blow a fuse

"will. im scared" tommy said as he removed his grasp from my coat

I patted tommy's back, as the boy now had red stains under his eyes, mixing in with his dark bags under his eyes, making a awful color.

"Tommy- its gonna be oka-" the ground beneath us rumbled and we all stood up in surprise and many of us started shouting or speaking, in which none of them wilbur even heard clearly

tommy was shouting something like "FUCK! HE'S HERE! COME GET ME ASSHOLE!" even though he was probably scared as fuck, while quackity was screeching around 50 swears in one sentence

I smelled something like- fire? Lava. Now who the fuck would have access to lav- sapnap.

"FUCK EVERYONE GET OUT!" I screamed, and I shoved tommy outside first, while the others scrambled behind me, as phil's house lit ablaze and lava poured inside of it

TILL DREAM DO US PART| TNT DUO/QUACKBURМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя