Chapter : 27

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Tripura couldn't stay there any longer she left the place imidiately but Karan also went after her mrs khanna tried to stop him by calling him repeatedly but he didn't

Tripura fastened her walking speed but eventually Karan went to her and grabbed her hand

K : Where are you think you are going

Tripura turned around her eyes were teary but she tried to act normal

T : Leave my hand Karan let me go

But Karan tighten his grip that she winced in pain

K : What was that ? What the hell was you uttering to mom ?

T : It was the truth Karan I can't see you anymore nobody wants us to be together

K : So that's why you are giving up on me ? Can't you just be little brave and fight this together?

How selfish you can be ? I don't belive this

T : Curse me or hate me I don't care anymore I just know that I can't loose my son at any cost he don't wants you just because of our relationship he is suffering a lot I made him went through this hell do you have any idea what are my feelings about that

K : Your son your life your family where is my existence? Do I even hold a place in your life ?

Karan snots then continued

K : Have you ever even loved me ? For once atleast ? I belive you did then if you can love me then you need to take my responsibilities as well what about my feeling what about my life what about my hopes how can you sacrifice them so easily and moved on do you think it's fare enough

Tripura pressed her eyes and tear drops running down through her cheeks she started weeping

T : I am sorry I really do I couldn't be a good person to you I made your heart ached I am sorry Karan try to forgive me and we can't see each other anymore

K : Can't you think I little sensibly krish is just seven years old I understand what is he fear of but if we talk to him I am sure he will get our point

T : No I can't discuss this with him how can you be so insensitive Karan please I don't want put him in such kind of situation he suffered enough I know I made a mistake and we came close to each other but now we just need to stop and that's what I want

After that they exchanged a final gave and  she jerked off her hand and ran away

After reached to her home tripura straight went to upstairs and entered inside her washroom she couldn't hold her emotions anymore and finally broke down into tears she was wailing badly she didn't wanted to broke his heart this way she sense a great remorse that feeling was brutally hurting her from inside she wasn't felt like she has any strength left inside she was broken apart completely devastated

Just then she heard krish bang the door

Kr : Momma are you inside ?

Tripura stopped crying and stood up quickly

Kr : Momma please open the door

T : Krish momma will be outside in a minute you just go

Kr : No Momma I have a surprise you have to open the door please

Tripura breathed in and out then flashed some water on her face then wiped them

Just after opend the door she got surprised it was neha standing there along with krish

Kr : See Momma I have told you there is a surprise

T : Neha ?

Just at her first look neha sensed something must be very wrong with her reddened eyes were proven that aswell

N : Are you okay ?

T : Yeah I am fine when did you came back?

N : At morning well krish can you get me some water now ?

Hearing that krish quickly left from there and when tripura was also about to leave neha called her name

N : sunbae ? Are you trying to hiding something from me ? Though you are saying everything is fine but your face isn't saying the same come on don't lie

Tripura was about to say something but krish arrived there

So she had to stop. That day after they had dinner neha made krish sleep at his room and then she came back to tripura

She wasn't inside the room so neha got a little curious She searched everywhere and at last she reached to the terrace and there she found her

Tripura was staring at the night sky but her eyes were completely blank she was lost in somewere

Neha went to her and sat just next so tripura looked at her

T : how was your exam ?

N : It went well, but this is not what you have to say tell me everything whats going on here ?

T : Dont even ask

N : come on will you please stop dithering and speak

Then tripura told her everything that happend lately when neha wasn't here she got so shocked

N : Wait what have you done ? You left him I mean you just left him for krish ?

T : What I supposed to do then ?

N : sunbae you are my idol because of you I know how to deal with problems and facing hardships now you are asking me how to deal with it ? Leaving him isn't the solution krish is just immature you need to make him understand how can you hurt that man it's so unfair

Then tripura covered her face with her hands

T : I don't have any way to solve this problem I can't deal with it I was about to loose my son and I can't let that happen again I can't

She said frustratedly

Seeing her like that neha hold her and tried to calm her down

N : Its okay let's give it some time I guess time will change everything don't force yourself sunbae just relax

And she continued to console her

Next day when krish was getting ready for his school someone rang the door bell

As tripura was busy at the kitchen she told neha to answer the door so she went to open

As soon as she opened the door she saw a old man was standing there

N : Yes ?

Just then tripura came there too and saw him and she couldn't belive in her own eyes is even real or what ? She got completely befuddled

My Mister Perfect जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें