Chapter : 23

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When karan and tripura were embracing eachother krish came there and he saw them from a distance he was about to say something but he hold himself and rushed to his room again

After bid bye to Karan tripura went straight to his room and saw krish was already laid on his bed and his back was facing her so she went close

Hearing her footsteps krish quickly shut his eyes but tripura sat next to him and carresed his head gently.

T : Krish I won't let your dad ruin our life again..because we aren't alone anymore we have someone to hold our hand and trust me he is good person

When she was saying those things krish got so annoyed and his eyes were becomes teary but he didn't let her mom realised that and continued to act like he was in deep slumber

At his room rajat was sitting on his couch and holding a photograph of three of them which they clicked today at the fair

He was staring at that and remembering about the moments they were spent together

Then he suddenly stood up and went to the front desk there she opened the drawer and picked a photo stand from there

There he saw the picture from his wedding he scoffed just to look at that then quickly he put the photo out then crumble that and threw that out of the window

And in that place he adjusted his photograph with tripura and krish

R : Now this looks perfect

He said after placed that photo stand on the desk

That following weekend

Karan and tripura decided to went for a dinner together

After finished their dinner they were walking on the road side by side holding hands

T : do you belive that everything will go as we planned?

K : Ofcourse maa will accept you soon may be she was a little harsh on you lately but I know how much she care for you and krish do you feel the same ?

T : Ofcourse I know that but I still feel she was hurted because of me

Karan clicked his tongue

K : When will you stop feeling guilty because of that didn't I told you that wasn't your mistake not even mine so just relax time will heal everything

When they were lost in talking with each other suddenly a car came and blocked there way so they stepped back a little

K : What the hell is he blind or something are you okay tripura

T : Yes I fine

K : Let me see who is that

T : Karan please don't

While they were talking rajat got down from his car and came there

When tripura noticed that she got surprised

T : Rajat it was you ?

R : You must be quite surprised don't you ?

Well it's quite isn't it you shouldn't be out on the street with a stranger come with me I will drop you

Then he hold her hand

K : Hey leave her and get lost

T : Rajat you are drunk just leave from here please

R : I told you to come with me don't you hear that

He yelled and that what made Karan tempted a little

He imidiately released her hand from him

K : Enough if you want to safe your face leave from here right now okay or I will smash your face right away

R : Woaa you wanna pick a fight here? Then fine

T : Enough both of you guys Karan let's leave

Then she hold karan's hand and dragged him after her

R : Tipsy you will repent someday for this I will make sure that you got it

K : Tipura let me teach him a lesson please why we are leaving cowardly

T : Please Karan let it slide this time I am begging you

K : But

T : Listen to me please

But Karan got pissed off so he jerked of his hand and started walking forward so tripura went after him

The next day on the way to his office rajat got a call from tripura and she asked him to meet asap so he agreed

When tripura reached to the coffee shop rajat was already there for her waiting

She went and sat across him

R : Not to late to apologize that good I was expecting this from you

T : Apologize ? For what ?

Rajat chuckled

R : Are u kidding me ?? Ofcourse you came here to apologize for what you have done last night

Hearing that tripura snots

T : What made you think that I should do that even I feel you should apologize to me instead for ruining my life

R : What are you talking about ?

T : Do I need to repeat myself again? Rajat I am telling for the last the thing you want you won't get I can't deny that krish is your son so I will allow you to meet him but don't expect anything from me ever you get it ??

R : Are you threatening me ?

T : I am warning you and that's all I wanted to say

Then she stood up and was about to leave but rajat said

R : Is that because of that guy I didn't know that you are so shameless I have heard he even younger than how did you manage to knock him down so easily I wonder

I wasn't sure about this but now I can firmly speak that it was definitely you who left me for you advantages

Tripura couldn't bear those words anymore so she turned arround

T : What did you say ? I left you really seriously I didn't want to be mean or pesky to you but you made me do it

Rajat when we used to go out did you ever asked for my opinion did your shoulder ever get wetter than mine on a rainy day did you ever respect my feelings..or talk about our future

I have never had you by my side whenever I need to

R : really ? You are saying that I have never went to your place to see you

T : Yes you came you know for what ? Whenever you wanted to have sex that's all

You are saying you still love me but you don't want to hurt the person you love isn't it

My all feeling and dreams got falsified when one day out of the blue you came to me and said you are leaving for us in two days that's the day I have realised it was nothing between us we just got used to each other it wasn't love it was a habit

And now I can sue you for all the pain you inflicted during our relationship but still I am showing my sincerity so please be careful from now on

Then she left from there and rajat was standing there alone completely befuddled

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