Chapter : 15

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2 Days later when karan was working at his office his phone suddenly rang he grabbed his phone and saw it was an unknown number

Furrowing his eyebrows he picked the call

K : Hello ?

N : Hi remember me ?

Karan couldn't recognize the voice properly so he asked

K : No I guess

N : Wow itni jaldi bhul gaye ? I am neha

And Karan bit his tongue

K : Oh neha I am so sorry actually my mind was occupied with something else so

Neha chuckled

N : I know what's that

K : Sorry ?

N : Nothing but here I have some really serious information for you the day after tomorrow is her birthday so you better remember that okay bye

Then she quickly hung up the call

Karan put down his phone

K : Her birthday ? Then I have to make it really special

Next day tripura at the middle of the night tripura had dream she remembered few words that karan had told her that day

Those words were like ringing in her ears

K : I am in love with you I really do

She got startled and woke up in the bed

T : Did he actually said that to me or it was just a dream

She was sweating in anxiety

No no no it can't be true it must be a dream a random one

Then she breather deeply so calmed herself

As it was still so dark outside she got down from the bed and went to freshen up

After sometime she came back from there and saw neha woke up too

N : Are you leaving?

T : Yeah I am going to the fish market we are running out of few items so I thought I should grab them by today

N : Can you manage it alone ?

T : Ofcourse you need to stay with krish but don't make him wake early he don't have school today and you also take some rest I better leave now

On the way to the market tripura was still so confused her mind didn't let her think anything but that moment she was with karan

T : How is this possible? Why am I seeing this dreams he shouldn't have said that no way

While she was completely lost in those thoughts she lost her control so when the signal turned red suddenly though she pulled the break but her car bumped into another one right infront of her

And the moment she realised that she closed her eyes and clicked the tongue

T : Really ? I had to do this?

The owner of that car got down from his car and came to hers he knocked the door so tripura had to came out

Are you out of your mind lady ? He said

T : I am so sorry I was lost in some thoughts

Is this a place where you can lost in thoughts are you serious? Oh my car is so dark I can't even see the damages properly

T : Check them later okay let me give you my no so you can call me right now I am in a hurry so I gotta go okay 

Is it so easy do I look like a fool ? How cam I belive if it's your no or not ?

T : You can call me and check it out wait you can even take a picture of the number plate I assure you I will pay

Then she quickly went inside her car and left from there

The entire day went so busy for her she came back to her room really exhausted after made krish sleep to his room

She went to the balcony and relaxed herself on a easy chair she was drinking her green tea asusual then suddenly her phone rang

She clicked her tongue and said

T : This is must be that guy Oh god don't I deserve a moment for myself let it ring I won't pick up

But if I don't he might complain the police oh god then the matter will be serious

So she went to pick up the call After answered the call Karan said

K : Hello

As his voice was so unexpected for tripura at that moment so she spilled out some tea from her mouth and started coughing

K : Hey are you okay

Karan asked him anxiously

Tripura put down the cup and cleard her throat

T : Yes ? Why did you call at this hour ?

But Karan didn't answered he placed his watch near to the phone and tripura heard the ticking sound

T : Are you there ? What happend ?

And then the clock struck 12 and she heard his voice again

K : Happy birthday miss nagrajan

Tripura didn't expect that she got real surprised but she stayed calm and said

T : Thank you but how did you ?

K : Thats not important I know it's your birthday tomorrow so you should make a wish but I have a wish too if you can spare some time we can go for a walk tomorrow I will be waiting for you at the rainbow busstop you can either grant my wish or decline it's upto good night

Then he hung up the call just then Neha entered with krish inside

They both wished her happy birthday and cut the cake then after sent krish to his room neha came back with two cans of beer and some snacks

But tripura was still so engrossed that she didn't even relised neha's presence at the room

So neha went to her and snapped the fingers so she got startled

N : Some one is so out of space what happend ?

T : Nothing

Then tripura looked at the table

T : Are we going to have a party tonight

N : Yeah what else then

Tripura got so excited and she went to set the table

While they were having there drink neha said

N : That guy is something unique isn't he

T : Who ?

N : Who ? Really

She stretched the words then chuckled sarcastically

N : That guy that only guy who finally took some interst in you and you fool still pushing him away that's so bad

Tripura put down the beer on the table

T : If you still going to nag me like this then the party is over

N : Agh fine I won't let's not spoil your day

Then they both smiled looking at each other

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