Chapter : 1

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Krish was looking outside through the mirror while tripura was driving the car she asked

P : Hey krish aren't you going to talk to mom ? What's so wrong

Krish was still stayed quite so priya forwarded her hand and carresed his hair but krish jerked off

K : Stop touching me

And he looked irriatedly at her with furrowed eyebrows

T : You are so mad at me but krish don't you know why we are doing this

K : I don't know I just want my friends back that's all I hated this that you made me leave our house all of a sudden mom

T : Because I didn't had a choice you know that and trust me you will find new friends there it's a beautiful place I am sure you gonna like it soon

K : I don't wanna hear anything huh

And he moved his face away

Within 2hours finally they reached to nuvem a small village in goa she stopped the car and got down then went to a nearby shop

T : Excuse me miss

An old lady turned arround

O : Yes ?

T : I am new to this place can you just tell me where is this address I couldn't find it

She looked at the mobile screen

O : You are at the right place my dear just take the lane and then turn right you will find this house there

T : Oh thank you so much

Then she was about to leave but that lady called her

O : Well I have never seen you here before ?

T : Actually we just moved here today so

O : Oh I see great I will be your new neighbor here then just let me know if you need any help further okay

Tripura smiled and nodded her head

When finally they arrived at the destination

As she was started unloading her languages she heard some indistinct chattering arround her

A women from the next shop was asking another women

W : Do you know who is she ?

W2 : No I don't but she could be the one mrs frenandez was talking about last night Oh look she has a little boy with her aswell

Just after krish got down from the he looked everyone was watching at them in a inquisitive manner

K : Mom look this place is so weird everyone is looking at us

Tripura look arround and said

T : Dont say that they are hold the bad

K : How long I need to wait I am feeling hungry now

T : The broker will be here soon let's just wait a little more na

Krish huffed irriatedly

Then after some time the guy arrived there

B : Sorry miss nagrajan I made you wait this long actually got stuck in the traffic anyway I hope you didn't faced any problem finding this place

T : No not at all

B : And you can ask any kind of help here from the neighbors they are so humble and helpful

T : I get

K : Maa please my legs are tired Let's go inside

B : Yeah we should

After they entered inside the house it was a decent place with a large hall section and having a couple of room upstairs

Tripura and rishi both roamed arround the place while the broker explained everything then finally they came back to downstairs

B : Well before you this place was owned by an old couple they used to run a coffee shop here but it didn't lasted as they had to move abroad to there son but I hope you will fine a better luck here

T : Well thanks but can you tell me how long it will take to get all my things together I really wanted to open this place as soon as possible

B : I will arrange everything asap don't worry just settle yourself here for few days and know your neighborhood is really important

T : Yeah I know that anyway thanks for everything sir it means a lot to us

B : You are paying me so I didn't do anything out of my duty

And they both smiled just then krish came there and pulled Priya's shirt

T : Yeah krish we will get something to eat

B : Are you that much hungry little boy ?

Krish didn't replied but hid himself behind tripura

T : What happened krish ? He is asking you something

B : Leave it I guess he just a little shy okay I better be going now all the best for your new beginning miss nagrajan

Then they shook hands and he left

T : Abhi kuch der pehle tak to you was really angry on me now what happened why didn't you talked to him

K : Because I don't like people arround here

T : Krish isn't this too soon to say that ? Anyway let's grab something to eat I am starving aswell

After came outside they walked down some distance through the street and there they found a convenient store so they stopped

And went inside there was an old lady at the billing desk all alone so tripura went to her

T : Excuse me

She looked at her

OL : Yes ?

T : Can you tell me if there any resturant arround here ?

OL : Nope you need to go to the city for that

T : Thats too far

OL : Or else grab some instant noodles and have it there

Then she pointed her finger towards a corner where few people having there instant food

Tripura looked at krish

T : Is that okay for you

K : I love rameyon

And she rushed to choose the one for himself so tripura followed him

While they were having their food the old lady came there and offered an ice cream to krish

OL : Hey young man this is for you

Krish was hesitating to grab that he looked to his mother narrowing his eyes so tripura nodded her head so Krish grab that

OL : Well I haven't seen you here before

T : Yeah because I just moved in here today

OL : Oh very well then we will get to see each other very often

Tripura smiled and nodded her head so then the lady left

K : Mom the lady is so nice isn't she

T : Yeah that's right now don't eat the ice cream all alone give me some

K : Why would I

He moved his hand when tripura was about to grab

T : Krish didn't I told you sharing is caring come on

And they kept on conversing with each other

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