19: High Priestess 2

Start from the beginning

"You gotta be kidding me! It transformed into a spear gun!" Joseph yelled.

"Let's go!" Polnareff said as the gun shot at him but he managed to dodge it.

"It's already reloading! Let's get moving!" I said and we left the submarine.

"That was too close. That bastard knows how to hit us where it hurts the most. Polnareff, are you alright?" Mr. Joestar said.

"Thanks to you, I'm alright! Merci beaucoup!" Polnareff replied.

The ocean was peaceful and the fish were swimming around carelessly.

"It's so beautiful down here, right, Jotaro?" I said and he gave me a nod. I know how much he loved the ocean.

"Think we're safe?" Kakyoin asked.

"Yes, High Priestess can only transform into metal and glass. Just keep your eyes out." Avdol said.

We continued swimming until Avdol noticed something.

"Look! It's a sea tunnel.  We're at seven meters. We have reached the Egyptian coast." He said.

The tunnel then started transforming. It had teeth and eyes... it was a face!

"What!" We all said.

"It's the stand! It merged with the sea floor!" Avdol said as it started sucking us in.

"What the... it's colossal, this power!" I shouted.

"You guys are so slow! Didn't it cross your mind that if rocks are mineral, the sea bed is mostly mineral too?" The stand user said.

"If the stand is so powerful then the user must be close too! I'd wager she's closer than we think!" I said.

"You guessed it! I'm just on the shore, a few meters away from you!" She said.

We were now fully into it's mouth.

"Hey, Jotaro. You're my type so this is going to be as painful for me as for you. It's to bad I have to digest you with High Priestess. So sad! But if i kill you Lord DIO will shower me with praise! Dont hate me!" She said.

Oh, now she's really getting into my nerves.

"You ugly bitch" I muttered.

Polnareff was whispering something into Jotaro's ear. I wonder what that must have been.

"Rose, only if I could see your face for once, you might be my type too, I might even fall for you." He said and the inside of the mouth turned pink.

At that point I started shaking.

"Say sike right now!" I said.

"I bet she's a beauty! I can tell that from. Her voice!" Polnareff said.

"Yes. She's a very elegant woman, I can tell."

What? Avdol you too?

"If you ask me, she sounds just like Audrey Hepburn." Kakyoin said.

"If only I was 40 years younger!" Joseph joined too.

I balled my fists and sat at a corner, hugging my knees.

"You bastards! You didn't mean a single word from that did you?" She was maddd. She throwed us in the air using her tongue.

"Serves you right!" I said.

"Holy shit!" Joseph shouted.

"Everyone, look out!" Kakyoin said.

The stands tongue was about to hit us.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now