अश्वमेध यज्ञ:- Kingdom to Empire

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Saamragi Chandravali's POV

" Hail for Samrat Virat Pratap Singh."

Amidst a sea of jubilant voices, the resounding cheers of the people reached my ears. The rhythmic drumbeats seemed to shake the very land beneath our feet, while the thunderous hails sent vibrations reverberating through the sky. How could they not rejoice? After all, their beloved king, now an emperor, stood before them, a symbol of power and unity. And I, Saamragi Chandravali, stood among them, my heart swelling with pride and emotions I struggled to put into words.

I clutched the ceremonial thali in my hands, its weight a reminder of the responsibilities that now rested upon my shoulders. Ever since Maa and Pitaji had left the palace, relinquishing their royal duties to devote their remaining years to God, the weight of the kingdom had gradually settled on my shoulders. But today, as I stood amidst the grandeur of the Ashavmedh Yugya, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

The extravagant rituals, the opulent celebrations—they all felt excessive, unnecessary. My heart ached at the thought of my husband, Maharaj Virat Pratap Singh, being whisked away from my side for the sake of these ostentatious endeavors. It was a feeling of disconnection, of not understanding the necessity of it all. After all, we had more than enough; the land flourished under his rule. The people thrived, their needs met, their lives interwoven with the prosperity of Magadh.

Arguments had ensued between us, heated exchanges that reflected my doubts and concerns. The concept of an empire had been rooted in my husband's mind, an ambition that seemed to eclipse all else. But amidst the preparations and ceremonies, as my heart was drawn further away from him, I struggled to comprehend the significance of it all. It was as if a chasm had opened up between us, one I couldn't bridge.

And yet, as I watched him return from his battles, the sky itself seemed to chant his tales of bravery. His stride was confident, his posture exuded authority. The people hailed him with fervor, their voices merging into a harmonious chorus of admiration and reverence. His gaze found mine in the midst of the celebration, and my lips quivered into a trembling smile—a silent acknowledgment of my pride, my love, and my unwavering support.

I held the thali aloft, my hands steady despite the fluttering in my chest. He walked toward me, the clatter of the jubilant crowd fading into the background as he drew near. With a reverence that only a wife could offer her king, I performed the arti, my heart silently whispering prayers for his safety, his success, and his happiness. The moment was intimate, even amidst the public spectacle. It was a testament to the bond we shared—a bond that had weathered storms, navigated uncertainties, and emerged stronger.

" Still Angry?" He asked. I shook my head in negative, chuckling. 

As the yugya rituals unfolded, a manifestation of power and unity, I found myself drawn into the ceremonies. The symbolic gestures, the sacred incantations—they all seemed to echo the heartbeat of the kingdom, the heartbeat that my husband embodied. Promises were exchanged, rules were set, and threads of trade were woven into the very fabric of our realm. The land rejoiced, united in purpose, and the celebrations continued well into the night.

Amidst the joy that enveloped us, a newfound clarity settled within my heart. This day was more than a display of power; it was a unification of lands, a creation of identity for the people. It was the realization of my father's dream—a dream that he had pursued through selfless sacrifice and unwavering determination. He had foreseen the potential of Magadh, the potential that my husband was now fulfilling. And as I stood beside him, I understood that my role, though different, was just as integral.

"Lost in thought, daughter?" Guru Ji's voice brought me back from my reverie. I turned to face him, bowing to touch his feet in respect.

"Subhagyawati Bhav," he greeted, his eyes holding a wisdom that seemed to pierce through my thoughts. "What weighs on your mind?"

I hesitated, unsure if I could articulate the complexity of my emotions. "Why was it foretold that the man who marries me would become the emperor? What role did I play in this destiny? It was his efforts, his battles..."

Guru Ji's gaze remained steady, his presence calming. "Do not underestimate your role, Saamragi. The tapestry of fate is intricate, woven with threads of purpose that extend beyond what the eye can see. Did Virat's father lack power or courage? Did his grandfather? Your marriage, Saamragi, was the spark that ignited a legacy. Virat wasn't even the crown prince at birth, yet fate intertwined your destinies. Just as Draupadi's marriage changed the course of the Pandavs, so does your union shape the destiny of Magadh."

He continued, his words sinking in with each syllable. "While the tridev may govern the universe, it's their counterparts—knowledge, wealth, and power—that provide meaning to their actions. In the same vein, your role, Saamragi, is the heartbeat that gives life to his actions."

His words resonated within me, illuminating a path of understanding that I had been seeking. As the celebrations continued around us, the weight of my doubts and uncertainties began to lift. My purpose, I realized, was not diminished by my husband's ambitions; it was intertwined with them. Just as my father had seen the potential of Magadh, I now saw the potential of our union—a union that united lands, shaped destinies, and forged a legacy that would resonate through the ages.

As the night sky stretched above us, adorned with stars that seemed to shimmer with approval, I stood beside my king, my husband, my partner in this grand endeavor. Our paths had converged for a reason, and I was determined to fulfill my role with the same dedication and courage that he displayed on the battlefield. For just as the tridev worked in harmony to shape the universe, so did we—a man and a woman, bound by destiny and purpose, weaving a story that transcended time itself.

He left me with those word which were though enough but incomplete. 

My life played before my vision. The purpose of my life was fulfilled what next?

Was this the end or a new beginning?

The End


Short one I know bhai.

Epilogue is pending which will definitely come sooner than you expect. 

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