कृतज्ञ:- The Gratitude

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Nayantara's POV

I saw him lying in the floor almost lifeless. The much I was happy to see his condition the much I was thinking about Pratap.

What he did and how he backed me in court.

My wife.

He makes me feel things I shouldn't be feeling.

Though I feel betrayed by the fact that I still don't know his true self. I and grateful to him for protecting my virtues and respect in the royal court. Even when he is no one to me.

" Virat." Maharaj said.

No matter how much and what I feel for Pratap. This word to Virat have insane effects on me.

Just the thought of my husband do things to me no other man can think of.

But where is he?

Does he know about Pratap being here?

What will he think of me when he will get to know that I was with a man all this time who was not he?

Pratap moved away from the half dead body to leave the field. A few guards came to take this son of Jaiveer away.

But he pushed the guards, took sword in his hand and ran towards Pratap. My eyes went wide and heart rate sped.

" Loo-" I was about to say but next we all witnessed was a head rolling of the ground, a headless body saking with immense blood flowing out of it.

No eyes could catch anyone. Just Pratap was holding a blood bathed sword.

" Bhaiya...." Came a voice. Almost all head turned to that direction.
A young lady ran to the body.

Whole blood of my body drained.

She was Vimla. My Vimla. My only friend.

She was... she was Jaiveer daughter?

Oh God!

She knows about Pratap. Pratap eyes met mine. His gaze was strong, trying to decipher my brain language.

She bawling increased. She started cursing Pratap, calling her brother.

" You fake prince.... how dare you kill my brother. How dare you." She shouted.

No Vimla please oh no.

She ran towards Pratap.

" Take her." He order and a few guards dragged the shouting and cry mess of my friend away.

My brain lost the power to hear or comprehend.

My life is beautiful piece of joke.

My mother died.

My father died.

My only friend was not a friend.

The man people call my husband is god knows who in reality. And my husband has no trace of him.

Maharani Nadani took me away from that place. She knew my and Vimla's relationship.

Why did she do that to me?

" Chandra..." she said keeping her hand on my head. I started crying more and more.

Telling her was shit my life was and cried. She shushed me but nothing helped. I need to let this go or my heart with stop any time.

" Go to your husband Bachcha... he might need you." She said, in her rare motherly voice.

I gathered myself and when to wear my fake husband was.

He was sitting on bed, with a yellowish paste applied here and there in his chest.

" Are you okay?" He asked.

Shouldn't it be me asking that to him?

When Vimla came to the scene he wasn't surprised at all. He had seen Vimla before. I had often mentioned her in my conversations with him.

" You knew?" I asked.

" I knew what?" He asked.

" About Vimla." I asked.

He nodded. " Why you didn't told me before?"

" Because you wouldn't have believed me." He said.

" I told her about you." I said, half panicked.

" I told you not to tell anyone." He did!

What now?

" Nothing to worry. No one will believe her anyways." He said.

That's what he said to me too.

" What about Yuvraj?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to answer.

" Apologize your highness, Maharani Urmi has asked to to inform that the princes are back in the Capital. Your presence is requested. And Maharani have asked for Yuvrani Chandravali to be with her." An attendee spoke.

He motioned her to leave.

" listen to me first." He said.

" No need now I will have my questions answered myself. And thank you for what you did for me today. I wasn't expecting any of it. Considering Yuvraj hasn't sent you." With that I left.

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