उपचार:- The treatment in the silent Chambers

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' Herbs heel wounds, words heel heart.'

The blood flow was very high. No way he would survive next two hours.

I pressed my hand with more pressure but it wasn't of anyuse. I instantly got an idea, unpining my veil cloth, I pressed in the wound.

His eyes were watching me in amusement and with something very serious I can't decode.

I wrapped it around his chest and tied it tightly, his muscles tensed, though he should no sign of pain.

" I would help." I said. Partially proud of my work.

" Thank you." He said chuckling.

But I ignored it. Blood loss affect his malfunction brain.

" Can't this horse run?" I asked.

" It can.." he said.

" Then why is it walking like snail."

" Because you were sleeping." He said.

" And you are bleeding. Can you just increase the speed. I would appreciate if you make alive till the fort." I said.

" you won't be able to take it princess." He said.

When he say princess, it does something to my stomach.

" Why do you underestimate me so much?" I asked. " I want to see how fast your horse can run, not only when the fort comes."

" Think before speaking Princess. You might die of heart failure." He said.

" Do as told you." I said, not looking into his eyes.

" Well then, don't blame me after." He said, while pulling the reins tight.

Horse lifted his two legs, making me fall on his chest, his hand automatically wrapped around my waist.

Demand of the situation.

And before I could ask his to remove the hand. The horse started running, very fast. I never knew if a horse can run that fast.

Air was slapping my face to the unbearable extent. I moved my face towards Pratap, as my eyes were already becoming tearing.

Was I scared?

Hell yeah!

My hand clenched on his shoulder. This was so scary. I might die of heart failure.

He was right.

Fine, breathe!

You are go. Its just a horse ride. No one dies riding a horse.

His grip tighten around my waist, holding me securely. I welcomed his gesture because all my subconscious mind was saying SURVIVE!!

And as I was trying to recall the path, we were already in the fortyard.

Sick! This was fast.

He hopped down from the horse in a swift motion. I was still feeling the wind on my face.

He ordered everyone to rest.

" Princess!" He called me out. I looked down at him. I don't even have the courage to jump.

" Give me your hand." I obliged. He pulled me down, his one hand around my waist. I held on his shoulder to give time to my brain to stable. I could still feel the ground moving.

As soon as I gained slightest of my conscience, I tear away from him and started moving inside.

" It can run." He said, mocking me.

" Horses run!" I deadpanned.

I went straight to the chambers and asked the attendees to get me a few herbs.

One of the few things I have strong command on is medicine. He wasn't in the room yet, I prepared the paste of the hurbs.

" Oh my, you don't have to work yourself so much for the poor soul." Pratap said, mocking me again.

" Apply this on the wound." I said, as I walked towards the couch he was sitting on.

He pulled out a dagger and kept its tip in the flame of the nearest mashal.

I was watching his actions in confusion. What got into this man?

He pulled in out after a second and place the hot iron on his wound.

He hissed and I screamed out loud. I paste fell from my hand, but he was fast enough to catch the bowl.

" Why would you do that?" I asked in horror.

" You need to take things easy and a bit seriously princess." He said. " Stop screaming on nothing."

He smelled the paste and applied to on his wound. I was still in trauma because of the stunt in pulled. After a few minutes I took the adjacent couch.

" Who were they?" I inquired.

" The bunch of revolters left with Jaiveer." He said.

"Do-" I wanted to ask more but he cut me off. " You know if I will die your husband will come to you."

He watched in my eyes, trying to find something.

" Don't you think I should have died in the attack?" He asked.

Without thinking once, I said "No, if he has sent you here. He trust you alot. If you die, it will be a great loss to him. I don't want him to face that loss. Though you have been a great headache to me and I want you to leave the soonest possible but I don't want anyone to die."

" Why do you think so much about your husband?" He said.

" Because he is my husband." I said, smiling to myself.

" But you haven't seen him in years. What if he has changed? What if you won't like the new grown up him. What if he is not a good man anymore? After all " He asked me.

" I have not seen in years. Yes, ofcourse he would have changed. Everyone does, so have I. I don't have the option to not like him. He is my husband, my reality. And no he can't be a bad person, he is the son of Maharaja Dheervijya je raj and Maharani Nandani. He cannot be a wrong person." I said, was looking at me with something stranger, as if he didn't liked my answer.

" What if he did?" He asked.

" Then the sun will start rising from the west." I said, walking to the bed. " There is no point of talking about something like this. Sleep! You need it."

I slipped into the comforter. Though I closed my eyes I was still thinking about his questions.

What if?

After a few minutes, I felt footsteps coming towards me. My body tensed. Why is he coming here?

I felt him kneeling down.

" I promise you Nayantara, you don't have to wait for long. You will meet your husband bery soon. That will be good of everyone. But I can't just do it now."






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