I turned around towards him and hummed.

Y/N: We have a betrayer in this house.
Jackson: What? A betrayer?

His eyes widened.

Y/N: Ya. That betrayer should be working for Dong and spying our moves.

Jackson: Who is the betrayer?
Y/N: That's what we have to find. I need your help.

Jackson: Tell me what I should do.
Y/N: In the evening, I will gather everyone in the living room. I will tell you about the betrayer and will accuse you as the betrayer.

Jackson: Me?
Y/N: Ya. You should just go with a flow with the acting. You should pretend like you are so disappointed at me. Then I will just tell you to get out and you should.

He was carefully listening to me.

Y/N: After going out, notice every guard. The betrayer will go alone and tell this to Dong. You should catch him and bring him to the basement. After doing that, message me.

Jackon: As you say.
Y/N: I am sure that one of the guards must have done that.
Jackson: Ya. I believe our friends.

Y/N: And one more thing. This plan should only between us. None should know about this. So that, all would be realistic.

I smirked, and he hummed.

Flashback ends

All were shocked.

Y/N: So, let's move to him.

I went behind the chair where that betrayer was tied.
I pulled his hair feom behind, which made him face up.

He groaned at my grip.

Y/N: Now tell me, betrayer. Why.did.you.betray.me?

For each word, my grip tightened.

....: Arghh...

He groaned.

Y/N: Tell me!

I yelled.

...: I- I am s-sorry-

He was struggling to speak.

Y/N: I asked, why the hell did you betray me? Not your fake apologies.

I stood in front of him.

...: Mr. Dong t-told me that h-he would g-give me m-more m-money  arghhh-

I slapped him hard.
His cheek turned red.

Y/N: You did a very bad thing.

I moved towards the gun on the table.

I took it.

I turned to my friends.

Y/N: This gun had no bullets when I pointed it towards Jackson.

I showed them the gun.
I looked towards Jackson.

He quickly gave me the bullets.

I loaded the gun and pointed at the betrayer.

I was about to pull the trigger, but I turned towards Taehyung, his hyungs, and his friends.

Y/N: You guys go to your rooms. You guys don't need to witness this. Jisso, take them out.

She nodded and took them out.

I turned and looked at the betrayer and pulled the trigger.

It hit his leg.

Y/N: Did you think that I would kill you so easily? Nah. I won't.

Y/N: Jackson!

He gave me my knife.

I took the knife and admired it before gazing at the person who was shaking in fear and breathing heavily.

I smiled at him and walled away from him.

I stopped at a distance and turned around towards him before throwing the knife straight to his throat.

And my aim was so perfect that my knife his on his neck.

Blood scattered, but not a single drop is on me.

Y/N: Not even his blood should touch me.

I said while looking at his corpse in front of me.

I looked at Chaneyol.

Y/N: Send a picture of this to Dong. Let him know that his spy is dead.

He nodded, and we all left from the place, leaving Jackson and Chaneyol there to do their work.

I was walking but stopped when I felt someone hold my wrist.

I turned around and found Irene.

She pulled me to the hug, and all joined us.

Irene: We are sorry, Y/N.

She said while sobbing.

Lisa: Ya, very sorry, Y/N.

Y/N: Shh..it's ok.

I said while patting their head.

They got normal and we went to our rooms.

I climbed up the stairs and saw Taehyung looking at me with a smile.

His room is just beside me, and now I am in front of him.

Y/N: What are you smiling at?
Taehyung: My life.

I looked away to control myself from smiling.

Y/N: Leave my way.
Taehyung: No, what will you do?

He said, taking a step towards me, closing the distance between us.

He smirked a little.

I didn't say anything but started taking steps towards him slowly while maintaining strong eye contact with him.

The smirk faded away, and nervousness took over him.

He quickly stepped aside.

I just walked towards my room with a smirk.
But I stood in front of my room and turned towards him.

He was just standing in the same position while his eyes were closed and his right hand was on his chest right above his heart.

I smiled and entered my room.

I smiled and entered my room

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Snowies, what do you think about the name "Snowies"?

I'm just curious about your nickname given by me💜

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