Angies perspective

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I woke up late so sadly everyone else was already at the venue accept me and Eleanor, I walked in to find Eleanor already in her dress, I knew immediately something bad was going to happen right there and then, I said "shits about to go down" because I knew SHIT WAS ABOUT TO GO DOWN.

Me and Eleanor finished getting ready and made our way to car, when we got there we had to walk down the aisle to get too our seats and when everybody saw us there jaws dropped.

While we were all waiting for Tom Eleanor decided she was going to go find him, I knew something was up so I followed her until I heard muffled moans, Eleanor was seriously fucking Tom before his own wedding??

Classic Eleanor, I kinda found it funny to be honest but I quickly made my way back to my seat as Tom went to his spot with Eleanor trailing behind him, soon enough the music started playing and here came Alyssa, she didn't even seem excited..

Eleanor started grinding her fist as if she didn't just fuck him but oh well, as the priest started talking I realised Tom seemed pretty off he didn't look happy..?

"Tom Kaulitz do you take Alyssa Pierce to be your wife for the rest of your life" Tom started to hesitate, "I-I-I don't.." he says as he back away from his spot, Tom started to run away and Eleanor got up and chased him too his car.

The way I literally gasped as this was happening, Alyssa wasn't even sad she just rolled her eyes?

I got up and ran over to Gustav "what just happened!?" I said to Gustav as he picked Athena up, "mummy Aly and Tommy got in a fight" Athena said under her breath but I still managed to hear it, I realised right there and then that Alyssa had probably heard them in the dressing room..

"Tom just texted me to meet him at the hotel with you and Eleanor would already be there" Gustav said as he looked at his phone and back at me, "right lets go then!?" I said as I hurried to the car, we got in the car and put Athena in her car seat.

We got to the hotel and saw Eleanor and Tom in the lobby looking extremely worried, Eleanor ran over to me and whispered "911!!" Me and Eleanor made a system where 917-911 917 means kinda important but not really and 911 means drop everything now!!

I widened my eyes as soon as I heard those numbers, I passed Athena to Gustav "my room now" I said sternly as I grabbed her hand bringing her to my room, Eleanor turned her head around and told both of the boys to stay where they are while still walking.

End of chapter
Athena fact: Angie named Athena after the main character in "she's dating the gangster" aka a Filipino movie (one of my favs):D

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