Dancing with the devil

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Celeste's p.o.v.

Wally walked in, his eyes didn't match his face, and his voice wasn't how I remembered. "You wanted to see me correct?"

"Yes, but are you alright?"

"Oh I'm fine!, just dandy" Wally said, he voice more sinister.

I backed away from him, slowly making my way towards the back door.

"What's the matter my dear?"

"What's wrong with you Wally?"

"Nothing is wrong Celeste." He said, making his way to my record player. "Come back here my love"

I had no control as I suddenly found myself walking towards him, damn these mixed signals. I was fearing whatever had walked into my home, but it was still Wally. He put on a record and grabbed my hands.

"Let's dance shall we?" He started swaying with me, I tried to wriggle my hands free but his hands were like iron cuffs. He kissed the palm of my hand, it felt like it was burning, He wouldn't let me escape no matter how hard I tried. I tried to stomp on his feet, but he swayed and danced to the side before they made contact.

"Wally! Let me go!" I pleaded, but it was no use, it was like talking to a brick wall.

"I'll do no such thing" he replied as he kept on dancing with me.

I felt trapped, the heat, and the whirling about made me dizzy, and I felt too fuzzy, it felt like I was in a trance.

"Have this dance, and you'll feel better" he growled in my ear.

I could feel myself loosing it, my mind felt fuzzy. no... "no, NO!" I shoved him and fell limp, hoping to catch him off guard.

"My my you're clumsy, but this does you no good darling!" He replied, catching me, and continuing to dance. My moves doing no good to his charming smile.

"You're. Not. Wally." I say bluntly.

"Of course I am y/n, I'm your darling Wally" he smiled. "He's a puppet after all" he dropped. "I already know, and so do you, take off that mask of yours y/n, and struggling does no good for your pretty face" he said like a threat.

"Screw you" I mumbled.

"What was that?" He said leaning closer.

"I said, SCREW YOU" I shouted into his ear, biting it when he got close.

"DAMN IT Y/N" he said dropping me, his horns glowed a little, from the sudden attack as I fell. I hit the floor and ran down the hall to the back door.

"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK" I screamed, I got out only to be stopped by Barnaby. "Barnaby! Oh my goodness, thank the heavens you're here! W-" he chopped at nerve in my neck, shit, as I dropped unconscious.


I woke up, my head was pounding as it was the first day I came here. My vision was blocked by a blindfold, my hands felt fuzzy from falling asleep in my bindings. The rope tied around each of my limbs, to each post of the chair. I listened to my surroundings, the fear dropping into me like a kiss from death.

"You're awake" I flinched.

"W.....Wally?" I questioned my sanity. Was it really the Wally I knew? Or the devil I just danced with? It certainly sounded like him, but I know what I just experienced.

"In the flesh," He confirmed, "you bite really hard by the way."

"WHAT THE HELL WALLY!?" I screamed, the cold heat of betrayal drenched my soul.

"Keep your voice down!" He hissed, "home will hear you."

Fuck you, what the hell was that?

But I was met with silence.

I know you can hear me damnit, what the fuck was that?

My hand started burning, the palm of where he kissed me from my dance.  I tried to snap my fingers, but they wouldn't obey my command.

"..I'm so sorry.." Wally murmured.

"Wally?" My head getting heavy as the cold wave of fear swallowed me.

Wally's p.o.v.

I looked at Celeste, her crumpled figure in the chair broke my heart.

"If this is what kept her safe then so be it."

I shook my head to clear such thoughts, I'm Wally darling, the Father, the devil in disguise. Dealing with people was always my forte, but she was different. Tricking her wasn't good on my end, but it was either have her under my control or have home take her. I can't have him changing her. No. Not ever. 

I walked up the stairwell, this was the only place home had no power here. I made it a mission to make this place a safe refuge if things went to shit, and I guess it worked out in the end.  I looked across the river, towards the quiet neighborhood. I was exhausted, changing into the other form took a lot out of me.  Barnaby stood by the door, on the look out for home's activities, but they were asleep.

"That was some good acting" I complimented to Barnaby.

"Yeah, thanks, I still feel bad though, and my head hurts quite a bit from home" he replied.

"What did home do?"

"Oh you know, the regular, the black ooze intensified, and the dissecting."

I looked at his chest, and the mark that could barely be seen, only if you were looking for it. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He said, looking off to the distance. "This better work, Celeste shouldn't be kept in the dark like she is now."

"I know, but she's an angel for god's sake, I don't know what she'll do, and I'm scared that she'll kill me first before we explain it to her"

Barnaby sighed, " I suppose, we have to get this figured out before home wakes up"

"Thank you,Barnaby"

"What ever sets us free." He replied. Walking into the house we created as refuge. Turning into the night.

Thank you for reading! I'll be back with more, and I'm sorry for being so busy!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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