Answers - Part 2

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Panel One: Cal laying on his side, asleep in bed

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Panel One: Cal laying on his side, asleep in bed. He's shifting and turning a bit. His eyes are shut tight.

Panel Two: The entire page has a black background (with the exception of the first panel). Cal is standing, alone, in pitch darkness. He's not wearing his usual plaid pajamas, but is instead wearing the old pair that he was wearing back in Ocaton, during the outbreak. He even has his blanket around his shoulders. It's grey with feathers quited onto the surface. He looks scared as he calls out, "Hello?"

Panel Three: Low angle shot of Cal. There's indistinct buildings around him. They loom ominously overhead at odd angles. He's turning and looking around. "Is anybody there?" he asks.

Panel Four: In the foreground, a white streak rushes across the bottom of the frame. SFX: "~WHOOSH~" It's going between buildings in a narrow alleyway. At the end is Cal, who has turned and noticed the movement.

Panel Five: He chases after it, his hand outstretched. "Hey!" he calls out, panting, "Stop!" The white, streaky entity is rushing away from him.

Panel Six: A closeup of Cal as he starts to cough. SFX: ">cough< >cough<" He thinks, "Wait..." Over his hunched shoulder, we can see the strange white streaks have paused, and are starting to gather into a humanoid form. Around it are the effects ">whisper< >whisper<"

Panel One: Cal spins around and the blanket falls from his shoulders as the white, misty form darts behind him

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Panel One: Cal spins around and the blanket falls from his shoulders as the white, misty form darts behind him. "Is it?" he thinks to himself.

Panel Two: The figure darts to Cal's other side and his head whips around. He looks panicked as he realizes, "It is."

Panel Three: Low angle shot of Cal as he starts to cough. He thinks, "It's getting closer." SFX: >cough< >hack<

Panel Four: View from above as the white form rushes right behind Cal and steals his blanket. "Hey!" he shouts, his hands now balled into fists, "Give that back!" SFX: -fwip!-

Panel Five: Cal settles into a defensive boxing stance as his eyes scan the darkness. "Where are you?" he thinks. His mouth is open and he's panting heavily. SFX: >pant< >wheeze<

[Comic] Plague Rat, Chapter 03: AnswersWhere stories live. Discover now