Instant Messager

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Instant Messenger

On March 2nd 2011, a young girl
named Suzanne was using her
laptop. Her parents had gone out
to dinner, leaving Suzanne home
alone at 8PM. The teenage girl
was popular in school and very
socially active, so she spent
approximately 2 hours conversing
with friends on Facebook.

Shortly after 10PM, Suzanne
signed into her Internet
Messenger account under the
username "SuzieQ13″.
Immediately, she received an add
request from a user with the
nickname YoungLover69. She
added him and the two began a

The stranger told her that he was
an acquaintance of one of her
schoolfriends and asked if she
could send him a link to her
Facebook. Being a trusting girl,
Suzanne dutifully obliged.

The following is an excerpt from
their chat logs.

YoungLover69: Looking at your
pics. BRB.
YoungLover69: Wow! You're
SuzieQ13: Really? You think so?
YoungLover69: You've got
beautiful hair.
SuzieQ13: ZOMG. Thank you. :)
YoungLover69: You've got
beautiful eyes.
SuzieQ13: Well people do say
they're my best feature. ;D
YoungLover69: And you've got a
beautiful nose.
SuzieQ13: Aw... That's sweet.
YoungLover69: And you've got a
beautiful neck.
SuzieQ13: OK I get it. Tnx.
YoungLover69: And you've got a
beautiful body.
SuzieQ13: Er...
YoungLover69: And you've got a
beautiful heart.
SuzieQ13: OK that's enough.
YoungLover69: I bet all of your
internal organs are beautiful.
SuzieQ13: Now you're just being
YoungLover69: I want to see
SuzieQ13: Goodbye.
YoungLover69: I want to cut you
open and look inside.
SuzieQ13: Leave me alone.
YoungLover69: I want to run my
fingers through your entrails.
SuzieQ13: Stop messaging me you
YoungLover69: I want to remove
your organs delicately, one by
SuzieQ13: If you don't stop, I'm
calling the police.
YoungLover69: And kiss them
SuzieQ13: STOP!
YoungLover69: And caress your
SuzieQ13: You sick weirdo!
YoungLover69: And play with
them for hours.
SuzieQ13: I'm putting you on
YoungLover69: Suzie.
YoungLover69: Suzie!
YoungLover69: Suzie!
YoungLover69: SUZIE!
YoungLover69: SUZIE!
SuzieQ13: What do you want?
YoungLover69: Your blood all
over me.
SuzieQ13: Get lost you total
YoungLover69: I can see you.
SuzieQ13: Get lost!
YoungLover69: I can see you,
SuzieQ13: Yeah, right.
YoungLover69: I'm watching you
right now.
SuzieQ13: No you're not.
YoungLover69: Yes I am. I can
prove it.
SuzieQ13: Stop being such a loser.
YoungLover69: Peekaboo. I see
SuzieQ13: If you can see me, then
tell me where I am.
YoungLover69: In your house.
SuzieQ13: Well...duh!
YoungLover69: Chatting on your
SuzieQ13: Again...duh!
YoungLover69: Sitting on your
SuzieQ13: Big deal. It's not hard to
YoungLover69: Ask me where I
am, Suzie!
YoungLover69: Ask me where I
am, Suzie!
YoungLover69: Ask me where I
am, Suzie!
YoungLover69: Ask me where I
am, Suzie!
YoungLover69: Ask me where I
am, Suzie!
SuzieQ13: OMG. Leave me alone
you creeper!
YoungLover69: If you ask me
where I am, I will stop messaging
SuzieQ13: OK then. If it will shut
you up...
SuzieQ13: Where are you?
YoungLover69: In a house.
YoungLover69: Chatting on a
YoungLover69: Hiding behind
your couch.

Later that night, Suzanne's
parents arrived home and found
their house strangely quiet. Upon
opening the living room door,
they were confronted by a
horrific scene. The room was
covered in blood and their 13-year
old daughter's corpse was lying in
the middle of the floor. She had
been sliced open from top to
bottom and her internal organs
were strewn about her.

Police found a bloody knife and a
laptop computer sitting behind
the couch. The laptop was open
and running instant messenger.
Police were unable to trace the
laptop. It had been purchased the
day before the murder and had
only been used once, to access
Instant Messenger. Today,
Suzanne's murder remains
unsolved and her killer is still on
the loose.

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