25. Rage Filled Void

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Boys like you / Tyrion Lannister Out now!

After gregor fell fighting oberyn. Cersei turned him into a mindless monster. Verena stared back at Gregor. Red eyes a blank stare. As if he wasn't already the most talkative person he didn't say anything just stares. It was like he forgot who she was entirely.

He raped and killed Elia and her children. Verena wanted to cry thinking gregor could be capable of that but she knew what he was like. She didnt want to believe it but deep down she did. She wanted to talk to him. She knew he was a different man then he was back then but that vicious part of him still remained. She knew it.

What killed her was that she couldnt talk to him about it down. Couldnt tell oberyn how sorry she was for what happened. Couldnt ask gregor if he felt any sense of remorse because he looked right through her.

She tried to talk to him tried to make him see her but the bit of man the bit of humanity left inside him. But it was gone. There was nothing but a void.

Cersei may have thought bringing him back was a kindness. She saved him. She saved Gregor. But she didnt. She made a monster. Her perverted little maester and her became Frankenstein and Gregor became their monster of a mountain.

"Gregor-" verena reached for him but every time she tried he became darker. Shoving past her. Looking through her as if she were nothing. Then she shoves became a slam as he passed and what she had tried so hard to build with him became obsolete.

He didnt sleep he didnt seem to eat or drink yet he got bigger and larger and more terrifying by the moment.

"Gregor know that I do this with love". Verena remarked. "But they turned you into something and... no one should live like this". Gregors face void of emotion as he stared ahead. Verena nodded standing behind him her fingers trilled his shoulders hoping for a sign that she was making a mistake but he didn't even blink. "Im sorry Gregor. " he grunted in response.

Verenas lip quivered as she pulled her blade slowly from behind her. She traced a finger along his skull finding a soft spot.

"Im so sorry." Verena whimpered. "Im so very sorry." She hoped for something but still saw nothing was a rage filled void. She drove the blade into the base of his skull.

"Killing you is a kindness."

Kill 'em With Kindness / Gregor Cleganeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن