6. Little Wooden Knight

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Gregor held out a large hand and opened his palm to her. Verena stared down at the little knight figurine in his hand. He shoved his hand towards her silently and she hesitantly took it from him. Her hand- her fingers looked minuscule as she touched his hand grabbing the little knight.

"Thank you". Verena said her voice as small as a mouse. He nodded once moving past her without another word.

Verena stared down at the little knight. It was cute. Looked like something from his childhood maybe. She liked that he gave it to her.

Maybe he wanted children one day and this could be passed down to their child.

Sandor saw verena standing in the balcony. Gregors chanbers were larger than sandors always were. Had a nicer view which he was sure gregor didn't appreciate and more room to move. He saw verena on the balcony and thought she was going to jump as her forarms leaned on the balcony the little knight in her hand as she let the sun kiss her skin.

"Girl!" Sandor barked moving forward and verena turned to him a small smile on her lips.

"Hello sandor". Verena remarked fondly.

"What are you-" then he saw it. The knight. Horror filled him. He grabbed it from her and she gave a little squeak or terror. He threw it across the room and verenas wide eyes stared back at him silently.

"Where did you get that? Don't touch that!" Sandor barked.

"Gre-gregor gave it to me..." verena whimpered.

"What?" Sandor rasped.

"Yes. He- he gave it to me." Verena agreed. "I- I- you can h-have it." She stuttered out.

"I dont want it." Sandor shouted. "He shoved me in the fire over that fucking little knight."

"Sandor I didn't realize -"

"Hound." Gregor demanded as he looked between them. "Vee." Gregor said her nickname softer than sandors. Verena moved around sandor and to gregor. "He hurt you?" Sandor stared at verena. Watching her take comfort in gregor.

"No no just a misunderstanding." Verena assured.

"He touch you?" Gregor demanded touching her shoulder. Sandor had never seen his brother with a gentle touch before. He couldnt believe his eyes.

"No no. Nothing like that. I just...." She knew of gregors temper but oddly enough she didnt think he would purposefully hurt her not like this at least. Sandor on other hand gregor might just kill for the hell of it.

"Are you busy?" Verena questioned gregor instead. Gregor reached out touching her cheek and she smiled meanwhile sandor thought gregor was about to rip her head clean off. "I havent eaten yet today might you want to join me?"

"Aye." Gregor agreed moving her in front of him. "You-" he pointed a beefy finger at sandor. "Get out."

Sandor watched stunned as Gregor wrapped an arm around Verena. Gregor protected what was his and verena was his wife. Gregor moved to the knight a smirk on his face as sandor took an unsteady step back. That wicked glint in gregors eyes as gregor moved past sandor handing Verena the knight. She held it in her hand staring down at it with new eyes.

Gregor took her chin in his hand and kissed her. She relaxed into him as he led her out of the room. Sandor was still baffled.

'Help, help, Shae!' Sansa shouted for her.

'What are you doing...'

'If the queen sees,' she motioned to the blood. 'That I can have Joffrey's children now!' she declared. "Verena- she will know what to do!"

'We will flip it over, flip it over, it'll be fine she'll never know.' Shae corrected and sansa nodded moving to try and flip it but handmaiden walked in she stared at the moment before rushing out, Shae ran after her. Sansa wanted to weep. She was going to die. Stuck in an abusive marriage for the rest of her life just like Verena.

'Where are you going?'' Shae demanded.

'to want to tell her grace.' The hand maiden said obviously.

'You will say nothing to anyone,' shae told her putting a blade to her throat. The frightened handmaiden nodded running away.

'She's going to know she's going to know and hes going to kill me.' sansa was muttering when shae got back Sandor was standing over the bed. He had to tell the queen. He heard the screams and cries and thought something was wrong but seeing the girl so broken and torn up over bleeding he felt bad having to do his duty.

The starks were turning out to be interesting additions to the capital. Now they would both be broken by wicked men.

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