22. They Had Love

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'It's not going well is it?' Tyrion said as the next day of the trial began.

'You're going to be found guilty.' Jamie told him

'You think so?'

'When you are you have to beg for mercy and asked to be sent to the wall. father has agreed to it.' Jamie told him 'he will spare your life and allow you to join the nights watch.'

'Ned Stark was promised the same thing too and we both know what happened to him.' Tyrion remarked.

'Father is not Joffrey.'

'How do you know?' Tyrion countered

'Do you trust me?' Jamie questioned Tyrion nodded, 'keep your mouth shut no more outburst this will all be over soon.' Jamie told him walking away as Cersei, Tywin and Oberyn took their seats.

'The crown may call its next witness." Shae came walking in through the doors. Shae made her way to the witness box, chin held high.

"Shae." Tyrion looked to her, confusion and anger flooding him.

'State your name'


''You swear to the gods the old and the new that your testimony will be honest?' tywin questioned

'I swear it.'

'Do you know this man?' tywin questioned looking to his son. Tyrion stared at her confused what was she doing?

'Yes.' Shae answered 'Tyrion Lannister.'

'How do you know him?'

'I was A handmaiden to his wife.' she told everyone and tyrion shook his head confused.

"Come on. Im bored." Gregor remarked pulling verena up. "You hate trials. Imp is gonna die." He reminded her. Verena nodded following him out. They back to their chambers quickly and greogr flopped down on verena tripping over the rug.

Gregor heaved himself off of her and lay down to her right, propping himself on his elbow, his eyes intensely searching her face.

Then the fingers of his right hand trailed down over her stomach and still lower verena had wondered since she was pregnant if he would be gentle. He wasnt known to be gentle but right now he was trying. He slipped a finger over her wet, aching clit and She could feel her pulse throbbing between her legs with every heartbeat as he rubbed the tip of his large, calloused finger over her nub, making her pant in need.

"Dont torment me gregor," verena whispered.

'This man stands accused of murdering King Joffrey what do you know if this?'

'I know that he is guilty he and Sansa planned it together.' Shae informed them.

'Silence!' Tywin demanded as the crowd started to irrupt in gasps of horror. 'continue...'

'she wanted revenge for her father her mother and her brother she blamed their death on the king she told him, she told tyrion and Tyrion was happy to help.' Shae informed them all, tywin tried to hide the smug look from his face. 'He hated Joffrey he hated the queen he hated you my Lord. He stole poison from the grandmasters chamber to put in Joffreys wine.'

Gregor growled in clear frustration and looked at her hard for a moment, almost a glare. Verena looked back at him in a happy daze, her chest heaving hard, her nipples tight with pure, intense arousal. His fingers continued their exploration as they stared at each other he glided them over her entrance, then parted her slick folds and dipped the tip of his finger inside of her cunt.

Fingers were nothing compared to his cock his opposite hand pulled her legs open wide for him.

The smirk on his face made it clear to her that he knew full well the effect that he had on her, he groaned against her hair, his breath warm against her, making her shiver.

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