14. Wrong Lannister

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The dress ripped right off as if it was an inconvenience, taking the time to do it properly. Verena had gotten used to it, his rushed need it now ways, she had grown to like it even. His need for her. 

Gregor's kisses were almost chaste at first but then his mouth became more demanding, parting Verena's lips with the tip of his tongue, darting it inside of her mouth, making her shiver with want. Verena moaned and opened her mouth to let him in, responding to his kiss by rolling her tongue against his as his fevered kisses stoked the fire in her veins, his warm large hands caressing the sides of her face, almost burning to the touch. 

"It's a wedding." Gregor reminded her. 

"Hard to forget." Verena agreed. 

Gregor's hands returned to her breasts, making Verena shudder again in pleasure underneath him. She wrapped her arms around his neck

While she was caught in a whirlwind of her growing arousal, Verena almost cried out in frustration when Gregor left her needy mouth to trail wet kisses alongside her jawline, down her neck. He bit down on her neck, a mix between pain and pleasure emitted in a little mew from her lips, before he sucked on it hard. He was marking her as his own, Verena realized in a daze, and the realization ripped another moan from her throat.

"You're a needy one," Gregor half chuckled, half groaned in her ear. His breath was a warm caress against her sensitive skin, sending white hot stabs of pleasure coursing through her body.


Gregor had nightmares. Or what Verena thought were nightmares. He claimed not to be scared of anything. But fear was stronger than a blade. She wondered what he dreamt about when he was shaking in the middle of the night, when he woke up ripping out her hair, pinning her to the bed, a void in his eyes. Then nothing. He would get up and leave like nothing had happened. 

Verena thought she could get through to him. Hoped she could. She felt like she got through to sandor, maybe she could get through to gregor better she just needed to keep showing him patience and kindness. 

Gregor walked Verena to Sansas door in the morning, Verena reached over to hold his hand as they walked and he scrunched up his face pulling his hand free. Verena giggled softly back at him. 

"What?" Gregor demanded. 

"Its just funny how... intimate you are with me in private but not in public." Verena offered. Her pinky grazing his hand. As if to prove her wrong, he grabbed her back the back of the neck and fear flooded her for a brief moment before his lips were on her, she relaxed the slightest as she was lifted onto her tip toes. He pulled back and stared at her waiting for confirmation. "That was lovely," Verena assured.  "I meant like holding your hand when walk together." Verena corrected. Gregor stared at her and she held out her hand wiggling her fingers the sweetest little smile on her face. He grabbed her hand and they got about three steps before he shook his head pulling his hand from hers. 

"I dont wike it." Gregor murmured. 

"Thank you for trying." Verena offered leaning into him. He wrapped an arm around her. He looked to her and she nodded. "I like this." Verena agreed, hooking her finger in the loop of his belt. 

"Magnificent." Jaime remarked looking over the sword

"Mm-hmm." Tywin agreed, but it was clear he was disappointed. Not in the sword but Jaime. 

"Looks fresh-forged." Jaime remarked

"It is." Tywin agreed again.

"No one's made a Valyrian steel sword since the Doom of Valyria." Jaime countered

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