"Mom...do I have to go?"

"Yes son, now hurry!" I sighed and stood up, running out of the house after telling my mother goodbye, straight towards school.
I held my bag tightly, my shirt tucked somewhat neatly, and my hair slightly messy from me running.

I stopped to catch my breath, the sun blazing above me and making my vision blurry.
"Why do I have to go to school..." mumbling in annoyance I jogged up the street but paused at the sound of someone crying. I turned to see a little raccoon surrounded by two teenagers.

"HAHAHA! LOOK AT THIS LITTLE RUNT!" The raccoon flinched as the boys continued to kick it, it's tiny body bruised and bloodied.




"O-Oi!" I ran up and blocked the raccoon, glaring at the two taller teens before me.

"Huh, who're you brat?"

They glared down at me now, it looked like two titans glaring down at me. I suddenly felt scared, but as I glanced back at the wounded raccoon I took a breather before looking back at the men.

"You don't need to bully it! What did it even do to you?!"

The two teens glanced at one another and rolled their eyes, "Oh shut up kid, we're just trying to have some fun." He then swiftly walked up towards Poe and punched him hard across the face, knocking him down with a now bruised cheek.

"Fine, wanna protect that little rat we'll take it all out on you instead!" He yelled while kicking Poe. The other teen laughed and joined in, kicking Poe repeatedly over and over again. His arms covered in bruises as he did his best to cover the raccoon from getting hurt as well.


"OI WHAT'RE YOU TWO DOING!?" With that one of the teens got kicked in the head, making them fall foward, the other turned around only to get a fist to the face.

The teens looked up to see a girl...? She glared at them before walking up to Poe, her hand extended as she smiled at him.
"Hurry and get up already, you can't stay down like that forever you know." She said, as she took his hand and helped him up. The raccoon shuffling quietly in his arms as he stood up.


"Oh really...?"
In the blink of an eye, Poe watched as the girl single handedly knocked out all of the guys there. Their bodies on the ground as the girl stood over them.

"Y-You damn brat..."

"Don't get salty that you lost, loser." The girl walked over to Poe and extended her hand out towards him.


"Get up dummy, before they get back up." Poe blinked for a moment before standing up, holding the raccoon tightly as he followed the girl. They walked at a fast pace down the road and...

"O-Oi!? I have to go the other way, I'm gonna be late for school!"

"Huh?" The girl turned around with a raised brow, "You wanna go to school with all those injuries? I'd think not, and besides you were going the wrong way...the school is that way." She pointed in a whole different direction then where Poe was going.


"Just follow me, ya got nothing better to do anyway." She then continued to walk and Poe remained silent for the rest of the trip.
The racoon fell asleep as they finally reached their destination. The girl looked around before walking on to the house lawn. It was a nice house, two story and a light brown color. She led Poe to the back area of the house before climbing up the trashcan near the wall and climbing on the roof

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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