Humming Bird...

622 35 9

The wind started to blow softly, as I glanced down at the boy below me. 

Watch him....that was my order.

"Hey...when did my dad say he was coming back?" The boy asked, looking up at me. I glanced at my watch.

"In a few hours, master Hoshi."

The boy, Hoshi, sighed and smiled at me "You don't have to be so formal with me Odasaku." He said, with a sad smile.

I blankly stared at him and nodded, "Then...what shall I call you?" I asked.

"Just Hoshi." He chuckled.


I glanced down at the river that we were sitting by, as it showed my reflection in the water. My red hair was nice and neat, my tan coat and black undershirt had just been freshly washed so it looked brand new, but most of eyes were just dark and if I was missing something...

"Hey it true you don't have any memories?"

I glanced at Hoshi and shook my head, "All I remember is being in somewhere...cold....and dark. Then Fyodor found me, and now I serve under him."

Hoshi nodded as he handed me a piece of the small snack he was eating, "It must be not have memories..." he said, glancing at his feet.

"What makes you say that?"

"H-Huh, I-I didn't mean to offend you!" Hoshi hit himself on the head, "I mean well....I've seen so many things and done so much I wish I never remembered..." he mumbled.

".....Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, as I took a bite out of the snack Hoshi gave me. Hoshi sighed, he looked like he didn't want to, but in that instant he started to speak.

"It all started....when my father found something he could never replace.."


The man walked down the beach, looking around and enjoying the view around him. In all honesty he just needed a reason to escape from the current reality he was facing..

Having to take over his father's business soon, and his father showing him no mercy...and his mother being nothing but a pain....

He never considered them his real parents....but there was one person whom he loved that treasured him..

"Fyodor, they aren't don't have to listen to them...just be the wonderful person you are..."

But she ran...she left the horrid hell he called home...he didn't even know if she was still alive anymore...but something told him, she was gone..

Why....why did he have to suffer so....

"Who...can love me now....Aunt Tane....?" He asked, as he felt himself fall onto the sand. All alone with no one there for him he decided to stay there...and wait...wait to see what this world had planned for him now...

"Oh my darling Humming Bird, don't you worry no more-as the sun begins to set...and the darkness seeps through....I know one bright day, you'll fly..again.....with me~"

The man heard a was a rather pleasant sounding voice. But his sadness had prevented him from wanting to see who exactly had sang it...


The man didn't respond to the seemed to sound like the one who was singing was silent for a few seconds before the same voice had spoken again.

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now