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"(R/N)-chan, I wanna build this!" Kaori smiled, as she glanced at the beautiful young lady beside her. 

"Hehe, okay!" she replied, as she started assisting Kaori with building. (R/N) Yotarou had been working at the agency for awhile. She was one of the new assistance after Atsushi had started working here. Apparently she belonged to a gang of delinquents who had always caused trouble well...until she met Dazai of course.

Dazai had ended up catching her in the act of a crime and instead of turning her in, he asked her to join the agency. Which then lead to her being Kaori's main babysitter, as well as an undercover agent for the agency. She'd mostly blend in with small gangs and get info which was used to ambush and arrest them. Basically, she was very skilled, and someone that everyone respected.

Her long blonde hair went down to her shoulders, she wore her usual plain black shirt with cargo pants, and her grey eyes sparkled with joy.

"Hey there Darling!" Kaori and (R/N) looked up, Dazai had appeared with Ranpo and Kunikida beside him.

"Daddy look," Kaori showed the picture she drew of a pink rose, "Me and (R/N)-chan are gonna try and build this!" she smiled.

"Eh~ I can't wait to see it darling!" Kaori however stared at her father for a moment before sighing. "Are you leaving again...?" she asked, with a pout.

Dazai blinked for a moment before sighing, "You could tell?" he walked over to her and patted her gently on the head, "Just for a little bit, daddy has a tad more work to do, and I need (R/N) to come with me too." he replied.

"Huh!? But who will stay with me?" she asked, as (R/N) placed the legos in her hand down.

"We will!" Kaori turned around to see Atsushi and Tanazaki smiling at her.

"Don't worry Kaori, Dazai-san will be back!" Atsushi cheered, as he and Tanazaki walked to the table she was sitting at.

"I'll stay too!" Ranpo said, with his hand raised. "I did waaaay too much today~" he yawned.

"Okay then! Come on (R/N), me, you, and Kunikida got a job to finish!" Dazai grinned.

"Mhm, I'll see you later Kaori!" she smiled, as she waved at Kaori.

"Bye Bye! Stay safe you three!" she yelled, as they all waved one last time before closing the door behind them.

"Seriously Dazai-san, you suck at lying." (R/N) scoffed, as she scratched the side of her head, "I bet this job will take awhile won't it? This is just like...part one or something?" she asked. 

Dazai then replied, "Well the more questions you ask the longer it'll take~" he said as he patted her on the head and handed her a paper. 

"This is the information that Ranpo has gotten while we were out patrolling." Kunikida said, as (R/N) scanned the contents of the paper. 

"Wow....20 murders in 2 days? They're all....people tied to or working for the government." she said, as she finished reading the paper.

"Mhm, Ranpo had found out this for us, and now we need to find the killer."

(R/N) lifted a brow, "Why couldn't Ranpo-san just use his Super Deduction and solve it for us?" she asked.

"I know, we were wondering why he didn't either.." Kunikida replied, as they walked down the stairs and out the door of the Agency building. 

"He only said, 'I don't wanna', and was silent the whole way back afterwards." Dazai said, as if he was trying to figure something out by saying it out loud.

"Ah well...not much we can do now." (R/N) said, as she let out a long sigh, "something tells me this is gonna be soo interesting." she sighed.

"Hehe, I'm so glad your excited (R/N)~"

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin