Our Stories...

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"Oh damn....wait what is that?"

"How should I know, you're the one that made it..."

"Hmm, Poe wanna try it~"

"M-Me?! No! I'd rather die then eat Yukito's cooking-,"

"Oi, I'm right here you know."

"Oh shut up, the last time you made something Ango couldn't recover for a whole week."

"What're you all doing....?" Ango glared at the four of them, as they all stood around a plate of...something?
Ango glanced at the plate and felt his eye twitch.

"What in the hell.....is that shit?" He asked, pointing at it. (Y/N), Poe, Yukito, and Mizuki all glanced at Ango and shrugged.
"Don't you all just shrug it off, did Yukito make it...?" Ango shuddered.

"Don't think I'm gonna let that slide.." Yukito used a spoon and grabbed some of it and shoved it towards Ango.
"You should HAVE some, maybe then you'll change your attitude from now!" He then shoved the spoon down his throat and Ango's entire face went pale, Yukito just smiling at him the whole time.




"(Y/N) SHUT UP!"

"OH LORD HE'S CHANGING COLORS--Oh wait maybe I could use this in a mystery novel for Ranpo?"



"Uhhhhhg...you idiots..."


After a whole bunch of yelling and laughter, Ango was taken to his room to rest, Mizuki finished Ango's work, while (Y/N) and Yukito were stuck cleaning up, and Poe was forced to watch them.

"Why we gotta clean up for?" Yukito sighed, as he finished cleaning the sink of its dishes.

"Well the both of you did cause a ruckus so.."

"Awww but Poe," (Y/N) dropped her broom and gave Poe the best puppy eyes she could, "Can you just...ignore it and let us go??" She begged, as Yukito snickered in the corner.

Poe sighed and flicked her on the forehead, "Get to work."
"Ahhh noo.." she cried, as she picked up her broom and starting sweeping. Poe stared at her for a moment before sighing, he then stood up and picked up Carl who sat next to him.

"If you guys finish by the time I'm back, you can eat your McDonald's without rushing." He said, as he made his way to the door.

Yukito and (Y/N) glanced at him with starry eyes, "THANKS POE!!" they cheered.

He shook his head and closed the door behind him. Making his way down stairs, out of the building, and out on the sunset streets.
Carl jumped off of him and walked beside him, enjoying the sights just like he was. The city wasn't as busy and for some reason the sounds of the city was soothing.

Then they passed by a playground, it looked rather old, but it looked nice. Poe watched as a small girl and boy climbed up the slide and went down together. Thier laughter echoed throughout the park as they stood up and started running around.

"Slide huh..."

Carl titled his head at Poe as he smiled at the park.
"Maybe I should bring her here....one day..."

▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎

"Poe, what're you doing? Hurry up you're gonna be late."

My mother never seemed to understand how much I hated going to school. No matter how much I expressed my hate for it she seemed to think I loved going...just because I like to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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