The Secret to Love...

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"I WON! HAHAHA EAT THAT KUNIKIDA!" Dazai cheered, as Kunikida slammed his fist down on the table.

" loose to you of all people..."

Kaori and Atsushi watched as Dazai and Kunikida finished their two hour long Monopoly game. Kunikida had the upper hand at first but lost due to his carelessness and had gotten bankrupt from paying Dazai money for landing on his properties.

Kaori glanced at her father's smile, everyone might not have been able to tell but....that smile wasn't one of his usual ones that she loved. Ever since Dazai and Poe came back from that mission they had about a week ago, Dazai had seemed....different. He seemed to have spaced out more and she would always catch him late at night looking at documents and stuff that she never seen before.

She of course knew whatever was going on with her father he had it handled....but something about his whole attitude seemed different and she just couldn't grasp why.

"Oh yeah, aren't you and Dazai-san going to an amusement park tomorrow?" Atsushi asked Kaori, as Kunikida started setting up for another round.

"Mhm! Daddy said he was gonna ride all the rollercoasters and eat lots and lots of cotton candy with me!" she grinned.

Atsushi nodded and patted her gently on the head, "Make sure to tell me all about it okay?" he said. Kaori glanced at Atsushi for a moment and giggled under her breath.

"Hm? What, did I say something weirdly?"

"No, I was just thinking about how you and uncle Akutagawa could go to park one day, like a date."

Atsushi choked on the oxygen he was trying to inhale as Kaori grinned at him. She knew that whenever Akutagawa would show up once in awhile they would be pretty close for "just friends" as Atsushi claims. Akutagawa also seems to give him small gifts every time he shows up saying that he didn't want it as an "excuse", and they would always glance at one another longingly from a distance.

Of course to Kaori, the signs were obvious.

"M-Me and Akutagawa-san are just aqua-I mean rivals. Yes, rivals in seeing who's stronger in battle."

"Hmmmmm...." Kaori side-eyed Atsushi as his face was slightly pink.

"D-Don't you have homework to do Kaori-chan?!" Atsushi asked, as he stood up and acted like he was fixing his hair.

"Mhm, I did it already." she said, while still observing Atsushi.

"O-Oh..." Atsushi turned to see Kunikida throw one of the plastic hotels at Dazai but sadly missed.

"Well I'm gonna go and-,"

All of a sudden Atsushi's phone had started to ring. Kaori glanced down at the table where it was and once she noticed who was calling she picked up the phone instantly before Atsushi could even grab it.

"Hello uncle Akutagawa~" she giggled, as Atsushi tried to motion for her to give him the phone.

"Oh....hey Kaori?"

"Sorry, Atsushi-san is-doing something-at the moment!" Kaori said, as she kept pushing Atsushi away so he couldn't grab the phone away.

"Oh okay. Then I can call again later-,"

"NO NO WAIT!" Kaori yelled, making Akutagawa flinch on the other end of the phone. Dazai and Kunikida had even stopped their monopoly match as they watched the two of them from afar, trying not to laugh at Atsushi's attempts to get his phone back.

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

Kaori made eye contact with Atsushi as she said, "Me and my dad were gonna go somewhere tomorrow but sadly Atsushi-san can't come with us cause it requires pairs only to enter." she said, trying to sound sympathetic while continuing to push Atsushi away.

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now