What I Wish For..

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Hitorri Elementary School...

A place filled with smiling children from all around Yokohama. One first grade class in particular however, was having a "special guest" with them today. No one could stop whispering about them in the halls as they passed by.

I mean, who wouldn't?

Even as class began the person would receive many glances. The children all shocked to see someone like her in their class...

"Next, can anyone tell me what the answer to this problem is?"  The teacher pointed at the problem on the board. She didn't even bother checking who it was that raised their hand. For she already knew who it was.

"Yes, Dazai-san?" 

Kaori Dazai, currently only four years old, and daughter of her loving and caring father, Osamu Dazai.

The students have wondered, 'Why is a preschooler in our class?!'

But they instantly knew why, as class went on..she was smarter then any of them! If anything it was as if even this work was just too easy for her.

After her preschool teacher had realized her potential she had asked for her to be transferred to Kindergarten, which she of course excelled at as well. She just started being in this First Grade class today, and she already could answer questions the class couldn't understand.

Whether it be Math, English, History, or Science, she knew more then any average four year old would.


"Correct!" The teacher smiled, as she wrote the answer on the board. Kaori smiled as she placed her hand back on her desk. 

If you were to have met her father, you could already tell they were related. She had his dark brown hair, his slim figure, and his dark brown eyes that were just a tad bit lighter.

But from her mother...she had her bright and beautiful smile.

As the teacher was about to explain another problem the bell had rung. She sighed and clapped her hands, "Alright everyone! Make sure to do your homework! I expect you to at least to finish the first page, but if you can do more then it's fine." She glanced at Kaori as she said that. 

"Have a good weekend all of you!" The children wasted no time as they all stood out of their seats, grabbed their bags, and walked out of the door. They either walked out alone or with a few of their friends.

Kaori however stayed behind, "Um..Rei-Sensei?" She asked, as she slowly made her way towards her.

"Yes Dazai-san?"

"Do you happen to have the work for next week ready?"

Rei was shocked by the request, but had almost expected her to ask that. Smiling she grabbed a few papers from her drawer and placed them on her desk. "Right here."

"Do you mind if I take them home?"

"Of course! But don't overdo yourself-," but she didn't even get to finish. Kaori smiled from ear to ear as she placed the papers in her bag. For the first time in her life, Rei has finally seen a child so happy to receive work.

"Um..Dazai-san? Do you mind me asking you a few things?"

"Mhm, sure!"

"Do you have a private teacher at home?"

Kaori tilted her head, "No, my father taught me most of what I know. But also Ranpo-kun, Kunikida-kun, and Yosano-chan too!" She replied.

"I see...what a big family you have."

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now