Well, even though she complains in her mind, it would take more than Pluto slapping her in the face to stop her from grabbing onto her last desperate hopes.

She banged her head on the window with a loud "Ow!" as Jeongguk ordered the vehicle to go faster.

"I'm going to puke."

Jeongguk calmly shoved what seemed to be a deformed-looking receptacle into Namjoon's ashen face, "Don't mess in here," He said like he had seen it coming, "Go faster!" He urged the automobile.

"We can't go faster than this speed, passengers."

"Seriously? I could run faster than this!"

"Run faster?!" Jimin choked out, "I thought you were just a rabbit hybrid."

"Just a rabbit hybrid?!" Jeongguk narrowed his eyes into a glare, "Do you have– oh, forget it... Go faster, you stupid metallic box! We need to reach as fast as possible!"

"We are going with a speed of 140 kilometres per hour," Hara said, "We'll crash into something if faster."

"Ugh, this is–STOP!"

His sudden yell made all four of them almost hit their head over the low ceiling. Then heaved forward as the fast-moving vehicle jerked to a mighty halt. Namjoon groaned, hugging his stomach as the others clutched at their shaky selves too.

Yumi opened her mouth, ready to just hell with it and yell at him for that scare when her ears filled with voices that deemed Jeongguk's order as smart.

"Duck!" Jeongguk hissed at them as he quickly turned himself into a rabbit, conveniently ducking beneath the seat whereas the humans had to do their best to squeeze themselves under.

"What was that?"

"You guys heard that?"

"Man, people are growing more and more reckless, travelling through the woods at night," Yumi felt oddly called out at that statement the stranger spouted.

Great, now they were back to breathing as quietly as they could.

"It's probably nothing," One of the voices started as if annoyed at the interruption, causing Jeongguk to go unnaturally still, "What, you all think that's true?"

"You don't?!"

"Oh, come on! He was obviously spouting nonsense."

"It's not something he can just spread false rumours about, Hoseok. People are at the edge, I've never seen Pluto in this state."

"So you think it's true? That Jeongguk of all people would commit treachery?!"

Jeongguk's ears fell a little at that comment.

"I mean, you know what's he like– rebellious and stuff–"

"Look, I couldn't give a nut about those Earthians and the nonsense they're getting up to– it's only a matter of time until their useless selves get caught. Why would they accuse him–"

"Don't be the dumb one here, you jumpy squirrel. That rabbit was the one who had to keep watch on them. He was nowhere to be seen! Anywhere!"

"He could be–"

"What? Injured? Murdered? No evidence of that. The chiefs wouldn't just jump to their conclusion! No– look. I'm tired of this conversation already. Just go back to your hole, you never know what could happen, not when humans are let loose,"

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