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Chan spent the first half of the Sunday in church. Felix had to stay home hidden in Chan's room. Studying, and occasionally watching a tiktoks to pass the time.

He was glad for a bit of freedom now that all his family wasn't at home. He could be as loud as he wanted, could walk around freely but those liberties weren't so meaningful since he was all alone. He couldn't wait for Chan to come home, and he could justify his excitement for being overly-excited by his arrival by saying that he had a difficult calculus problem that he needed help with and he needed Chan's help. (—and that wasn't even a lie. Calculus was kicking his ass.)

Once Chan arrived back, Felix felt like a puppy who was desparate for attention. He almost jumped at him once the door opened, revealing Chan in his church clothes; tie, button-up shirt and slacks.


"Hey. I just wanted to check on you before I head out."

"Head out? Where?"

"We're having a Sunday family barbeque."

"Oh....right." Felix slumped on the bed, unable to mask his disappointment. "I needed help with math."

"What topic? Trig?"

"No I'm in calculus now. I have a problem with derivates—'

"Channie!" He heard Mrs Bang call.

"Um, I'll get to that right after I'm done with whatever I'm needed for downstairs. Just give me a sec." He said before disappearing.

Felix sighed.

He should be used to it anyway. It amazed him how busy Chan always seemed. Not just at school, with his head boy and class president duties. But with everything, he always seemed to be always making news friends at school, at school clubs, during holidays or caught up in family affairs or volunteer work. Felix should be glad Chan even manages to keep him entertained enough to keep him as a friend.

Mostly he doesn't feel left out. He knows he's a priority. Chan really is a master of time management.

Chan came back a few minutes later looking worked with a apron with a corny pun written on it. "Okay bad news. I can't be up for more than a few minutes. I'm needed downstairs and I can only use the excuse for needing the bathroom so much."

"So you'll only be available after you're done?"

"Yes. Is there anything you need before I leave?"

"The math problem."

"That'll take time. Dad insisting to teach me to grill properly and it seems like I'm stalling now."

"Oh. Then I'm hungry."


"I didn't eat breakfast."

"Why didn't you? The house was free all day, you know?"

"I wasn't in the mood for breakfast."

"See what you caused. I can't whip up a pj&j sandwich now. My mom's in the kitchen and you know how she is about aimlessly snacking before big meals."

"I know. Can you try sneak even a packet of salt crackers?"

"I'll see. But I hope this serves as a lesson."

"Come on..." Felix begged.

"Don't whine. You shouldn't skip meals. Now you'll have to wait till I'm done before you can eat."

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