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Felix died a second death when he woke up a girl for the second day in a row. The manifestations didn't work. He nearly got cooked alive in a room full of smoke the day prior and he still couldn't get his body back.

He came to the conclusion that, maybe this wasn't a one time thing. All this while, his brain went under the immediate assumption that this curse could only last for one day. That yesterday was just a glitch in the universe and after night came and gone, the universe would reset. Everything would be back to normal.

The universe must not be on his side. All it seemed to do was use his misfortune as entertainment.

He got the message. Loud and clear.

His mind racked through a multitude of possible explanations. Curses and karma and genetic mutations. He sat hunched like a gremlin in the bus and stomped into the school, with his eyebrows hugging each as his face was contorted in deep thought.

He really had no explanation for this, how could he be more confused about this on the second day?

Hopefully today wouldn't be as bad. On the bright side, at least he didn't wake up as a literal orge today, so he supposes he should count that as a blessing.

Maybe he shouldn't have come to school at all. He technically wasn't a study after all. That could be the good side of this whole ordeal.

But then again, falling back on classes was something he couldn't do. He finds work harder to comprehend when he isn't in class. He definitely wasn't Changbin who could miss a whole week of class but still come up first in class just by reading up the textbook quickly.

"Morning Heather." A figure was leaning to the lockers next to his, encroaching his personal space like a roach on uncovered food.

"Hyunjin." He stopped rummaging through the locker. Felix's locker, his cousin's locker.

"Are you feeling better today? Didn't wake up sick or anything?" Hyunjin was almost talking to head.

Why was he so tall? Why was he so close? Who gave him the audacity to stand like that? Was this some form of flirting?

Psychological flirting?

"Nope. No illness today but I'm sure I'm feeling much worse."

"I think I have something that might brighten up your day a little."

"Really? I doubt that." Felix shut the locker and turned to him. Finally giving him his full undivided attention.

Hyunjin pulled a phone from his blazer and waved it. Felix didn't have a reason to care till he noticed that familiar brown bulky casing and an infamous emo Bart Simpson wallpaper.

"Is that–"

"Yep. It's his phone."

Felix couldn't help it. He broke into a smile. "How did you do it? Was it difficult? I had to chase him down but he still wouldn't budge."

"It wasn't really that hard actually. He's a coward. I cornered him after school and he gave in almost immediately. He was hesitant about the password till I threatened to redesign his face."

If I were a girl Where stories live. Discover now