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"Woah Heather. You look, wow, you're–"

"I know. Let's get this over and done with, shall we?" Felix said and Hyunjin directed the girl into the car, fumbling nervously to open door.

"I wasn't sure you'd come. With your strict parents and all."

"We made a deal."

"You didn't sneak out to come here, did you?"

"What do you think I am, twelve? I was allowed this one liberty– but don't comment on it. My parents are inconsistent."

"I won't mention a word." Hyunjin imitated a zip motion over his lips before leaning back in his seat. They sat silently as they watched the roads and streetlights. In the streets they'd passed by a thousand times.

"So... where are we headed?"

"This one hangout called Kimeys'. They have a marvelous dessert bar."

"Wait, I thought you hated that place?"

"No. Why would you think that?"

"You always tell me— Felix you hate the place."

"Oh yeah right. I just told him that because I didn't want to make him feel pressured to go there. There was this guy who used to go there every after school. Let's just say he wasn't the nicest person to Felix."

Right. That Jaebum dickhole that made his life unbearable at one time...

"But he's your friend, couldn't you just have told him that? I'm sure he'd appreciate the gesture, he'd understand."

"I just didn't want to present that option to him. He can be a bit selfless sometimes. But that's all in the past, we're not supposed to think sad thoughts. We're here to cheer you up."

Felix knitted his eyebrows, before looking forward. "You know what? You're right. I've been having a shit week so the least I can do is enjoy tonight."

"That's the spirit." Hyunjin smiled at him.

Their taxi drove on till they reached their destination. Hyunjin helped Felix out of the car once they arrived.

"You know, I'm digging your new style." Felix referred to the fresh new soft boy look. Structured and neat, contrasted with the soft top.

"Pssh. I dress like this all the time." Hyunjin lied.

No, Hyunjin was a thorough hoodie/oversized top and jeans enthusiast. But just today, he was going to let it slide.

Hyunjin was only trying to impress a girl. Why spoil his fun?

"Okay, cool."

Hyunjin opened the door for him. Like the third one so far. Which was odd as Hyunjin didn't struck him as the chivalrous type.

Once they got on, they made their way to the dessert bar. Which is the main point of the restaurant. A small price paid upfront in exchange for unlimited desserts and ice cream. Everytime Felix was here he always made sure he got his money's worth.

Today was no different.

They agreed to start with ice cream. Felix got a bubble gum swirl while Hyunjin got plain vanilla. He argued that vanilla is a classic.

They went on to decorate their ice cream with toppings of their choice, both their goals was to see who could make the most aesthetic looking ice cream. Felix was dead set to win this one, as he worked his way around his dessert like he was Buddy Valestro creating an overpriced confectionery.

As they scooped and drizzled and poked at their ice cream, they spotted a man carrying a bucket load of ice cream on a flat plate. It was filled to the brim with every type of flavour the restaurant had to offer.

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