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Cha Ul's search for Hye Jeong had been long and arduous, like a long-lost lover waiting for their love to be rediscovered. After countless days and nights of hunting her down, it seemed as if the end of their quest was finally in sight. As he searched for her at his very own hotel, he was filled with a sense of desperation, a desire to finally reunite with the woman he loved.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, she appeared like a vision from a dream. Hye Jeong called out to him with a voice as clear and beautiful as a heavenly chorus, the sound ringing throughout the hotel like a silver bell. Cha Ul felt as if his heart was going to burst from emotion, his chest tightening with the weight of his love for her. He watched as she approached him, her every step as graceful and elegant as a dancing sprite. And then, finally, she spoke the words he had been longing to hear.

"I accept the marriage," she said, her voice sounding like the most exquisite melody. Cha Ul felt as if the world had stopped, as if time had paused just to allow him to experience this moment of pure bliss. He knew that this was just the beginning, that their journey as a couple was only just beginning, but he was ready for whatever the future held, as long as Hye Jeong was by his side.

The wedding ceremony was a spectacle to behold. Hye Jeong walked down the aisle in her magnificent snow-white wedding dress. As if by magic, flurries of snow descended from the sky, kissing Hye Jeong's gown and imbuing the air with a sense of fairytale wonder.

Cha Ul felt his heart race as Hye Jeong approached. In that moment, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen. When they exchanged their vows, Cha Ul's emotions threatened to overtake him, but he persevered, pledging his heart and soul to Hye Jeong, for now and forever.

Finally, the priest spoke the sacred words, "You may kiss your bride," and their lips met in a kiss that seemed to last an eternity. It was a moment that bound their love for eternity, as if the stars had aligned in that exact precise instant. Their kiss silenced the bustling crowd, leaving only the sound of tears of joy from the witnesses who had the privilege of witnessing that glorious moment.

Cha Ul led Hye Jeong out of the church, his heart still pounding in his chest. They raced through the snow, running like mere children on a winter's eve, with Cha Ul's feet barely touching the ground. His breathing was ragged, as if he had just run a mile, but the sight of Hye Jeong's joyful smile was enough to rejuvenate him.

As they frolicked in the snow, Cha Ul lifted Hye Jeong up, her gown fluttering around her like a cloud of butterflies. The sounds of nature's symphony filled their senses, from the crackling of the snow to the chirping of birds. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated joy, as if they had escaped the confines of the real world into a magical wonderland, where their love was the only thing that mattered.

As they danced through the snow, Cha Ul was certain that he was the luckiest man in the world. Despite future challenges, he was confident that, with Hye Jeong by his side, he could conquer anything and everything that came their way. It was a love that knew no bounds, a love that could endure anything.

Hye-Jeong and Cha-Ul have an unbreakable bond of love, sharing an intense and all-encompassing love that transcends the limits of time and space. They are locked in an eternal dance of affection, each moving to the rhythm of the other's heart and soul. Their love is a fiery inferno, a burning passion that is unstoppable and overwhelming to those who witness it. They live each day with a vigor and vitality brought on by the strength of their love, their every action infused with a youthful energy that is irresistible.

One day, Cha Ul was shocked to learn that his boss, Go Jinyoung, had been killed. He immediately went to the office to find out who was responsible, feeling rage and disbelief at the thought of someone taking his boss's life.

When the staff showed him the CCTV footage from the scene of the crime, he was horrified to see that Hye Jeong, the woman he loved, was the one who had committed the deed. The thought that the love of his life was a ruthless assassin, capable of such unspeakable acts of violence, left him shaken to his very core.

Love Of HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz