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He led her toward his car parked nearby, unlocking the car door and lifting her inside. Hye Jeong struggled to stay alert as the gentleman climbed into the driver's seat, starting up the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

The drive was a hazy blur to Hye Jeong, but she vaguely remembered the way the gentlemen leaned over to kiss her as he pulled out of the driveway, their mouths locked in a passionate embrace. When they arrived at his mansion, Hye Jeong found herself being lifted up once again, the gentleman carrying her inside with ease.

To her amazement, the mansion was bigger than she had imagined, with ornate furniture and artwork adorning every wall and surface. The gentleman led her through the spacious living room, Hye Jeong's head swimming with the effects of too much alcohol and the thrill of the night.

The mansion was silent, dark except for the flickering of candles on the table and the soft glow of the fireplace. The gentleman gently placed her on the couch, his hands lingering on her face. But Hye Jeong couldn't resist, leaning forward to lock her lips with his.

As the morning sun blasted its warm rays through the blinds, Hye Jeong was struck by a sense of impending doom. Her head was throbbing from the night before, and the memories of her debauchery danced through her mind like a dark nightmare. Hye Jeong was overcome with a fierce sense of humiliation and regret, unable to believe how far she had let things go. She staggered through the streets, reliving the events of that fateful night over and over in her mind, trying to come to terms with what she had done. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she leaned against the wall for support. All she could think about was how she wished she could turn back the clock and undo the damage that had been done.

As Hye Jeong finally made her way back to the safety of her home, a sense of relief washed over her. She raced to the bathroom, letting the comforting jets of the shower wash away some of the pain that was engulfing her. She felt like she had never been so broken and confused, and she didn't know how she was going to face the world again.

But even as she struggled to come to terms with the night's events, Hye Jeong knew that she couldn't dwell on them for too long. She had a job to do, and she couldn't afford to let her mistakes hold her back. She steeled herself, determined to carry on as if nothing had happened, even as the memories of the night before continued to haunt her.

As Hye Jeong arrived at the 5-star Hotel for her shift, the familiar bustle of the establishment provided a welcome distraction. She threw herself into her work, helping guests check in, modifying reservations, and generally keeping the place running smoothly. It was during this hectic shift that her world was turned upside down once again.

A man walked through the door, a familiar face from the night before. Hye Jeong's heart raced as she saw him approach, and her entire being was consumed by a fierce panic as she tried to decide how to react. Should she ignore the encounter, hoping against hope that he wouldn't mention it, or should she acknowledge the mistake she had made? Hye Jeong opted for the former, but her nerves were at breaking point, and her heart was pounding in her chest as he came closer.

As he approached, Hye Jeong could feel her entire body trembling with fear, and she found herself unable to speak, unable to move. The man simply walked past her, completely oblivious to the turmoil he had unleashed in her mind, and she was left standing there, alone with her thoughts once more.

Hye Jeong knew that she couldn't let this destroy her, that she had to keep pushing forward. And with that resolve in mind, she steeled herself once more, determined to carry on as if nothing had happened, even as the memories of the night before continued to eat away at her soul.

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