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Hye Jeong was utterly astounded by Cha Ul's grand declaration. The question had been as unexpected as a shooting star in the dead of night, yet she felt her heart pounding in her chest, as if the organ itself was filled with joy and anticipation. Although she loved Cha Ul with all her heart, she also knew that she needed more time to discern her true desires. She simply wasn't ready for marriage just yet.

In response to Cha Ul's heartfelt plea, Hye Jeong spoke softly yet firmly, each word as clear as a crystal bell: "My darling, your words are as wondrous as they are unexpected. I return your sentiments a thousandfold, yet I believe that we should allow our love to deepen and swell naturally, without the rush of a lifetime commitment. Can we simply embrace our happiness for now and let our love grow like the greatest of trees?"

Cha Ul was understandably disappointed, yet he was also understanding. He knew that Hye Jeong needed more time and that she was worth it. He took her hand in his, his eyes filled with a love that was just as rich as the silk-brocades that adorned their bed. "Of course, my dearest Hye Jeong. I just want you to be happy, no matter what. May our love endure through the trials of time and the tribulations of life, and may it withstand the onslaughts of the greatest forces of misfortune. Together, we will weather every storm, and we will emerge victorious, as we embark on the greatest of journeys: our journey together."

*the day skips*

The night's gentle darkness shrouded Hye Jeong's heart with a sense of uncertainty as she packed her meager belongings. The sweet memory of Cha Ul's soft touch and gentle words lingered on her lips, like the fragrant afterglow of a dying fire. Yet, in her heart, she felt a distinct pull, compelling her to take her leave and explore her own desires. With ink and paper, she channeled her innermost feelings into a letter, her emotions pouring out in a dazzling array of poetry and prose. She placed the missive on the bed and, with silent footsteps and a heavy heart, left Cha Ul's sprawling, ornate mansion with only her thoughts for company.

The following morning, Cha Ul awoke to an empty bed and an eerie silence. He searched his room in vain for any sign of Hye Jeong, but she and all her belongings were gone, leaving only a singular letter behind. Inked upon the parchment, Hye Jeong's words shone like diamonds in the darkness, their beauty surpassed only by the depths of her heart. Cha Ul read the note, and though his body ached with the absence of Hye Jeong.

Cha Ul hurried through the bustling lobby of his luxury hotel, trying to find the love of his life. His heart pounded as he approached the counter, and he cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Excuse me," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Can you help me find a room?"

Hye Jeong looked up from her computer, but the familiar smile didn't cross her lips. Instead, she raised an eyebrow and said, "We have a number of available rooms. Which type would you like?"

Cha Ul was taken aback by her cool demeanor - it was as if she didn't know him at all. "Actually," he said, taking a step closer. "I only want the room if you're the one who prepares it."

Hye Jeong looked bewildered by his request, but she stood up and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Cha, but we have other housekeepers who can help you with that."

Cha Ul didn't want to back down. "I want you to do it," he said, his voice firm. "I only want you."

Hye Jeong sighed and shook her head, but she walked into the back of the hotel to find a housekeeper to clean the suite. Cha Ul watched her go with a mix of excitement and impatience.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Hye Jeong returned with a housekeeper in tow. She introduced Cha Ul to the woman and instructed her to clean the suite. As the housekeeper began to get to work, Hye Jeong turned to Cha Ul and said, "I'll be back to check on you once the room is ready."

Cha Ul watched her leave again, trying not to feel disappointed by their brief encounter. He tried to distract himself by looking around the luxurious suite, taking in all the details that made it so special.

Suddenly, Hye Jeong collapsed onto the floor, her head hitting the ground with a sickening thud. Cha Ul's heart stopped as he rushed to her side, holding her in his arms.

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