Scars Pt. 21

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"As much as Eren is thankful to have me, he misses his mom like hell and wished his dad could go back to the kind man he used to be. He changed after our mom died. It was our moms loss that had a huge impact on all of us. Our dad became abusive, Eren feels lonely and depressed and me? Well, I have to be there for him now more than ever. Like I said, as much as he's thankful to just have me, he still misses his mom so much. He wakes up everyday hoping that he's just living a nightmare, but he's not, he knows he's not. He denies it be-"

Levis mom finished the sentence for her.

"Because he doesn't want to believe it's real, right?"


"I'm very sorry about all of that. I'm also very sorry for assuming you haven't been somewhat of a parent. I probably should've known you were somewhat of a parent because of how much younger your brother was compared to you."

"It's okay."

"I also should've known because Levi just can not stop talking about Eren."

They both chuckled a bit.

"Eren doesn't stop talking about Levi either. 'He's perfect, he's so amazing and sweet' I have to make him stop talking about Levi before I end up getting mad. I'm not saying Levi is a brat or anything, I'm just saying, Eren talks about him so much, I think I know every single thing there is to know about Levi. Unless Eren has a secret thing about Levi he can't tell anyone else."

They both softly chuckled again. Meanwhile, back in Erens room, they were still hugging. Levi softly cried in Erens shoulders.

"What the hell did I do? What and why. Can I fix it? Is it possible to be fixed? Is it because I'm gay? Is it because I have a boyfriend? Is it because-"

Eren shushed him.

"I used to question myself like that all the time when my dad beat me. I'm gonna tell you something that Mikasa always used to tell me. If you keep questioning yourself like that, you're always gonna think everythings your fault when it's not."

Levi smiled and wiped a few tears.

"I don't even know why I'm crying. My mom has threatened me like that before, so why do I always cry?"

"Because you want love and love should come from a relative or your s/o. The reason you cry is because you don't get that love from someone specific you want it from. Like when my dad hit me. He always used to do it, but I always cried and always questioned why."

Levi kissed him and Eren kissed back. Once they pulled away, they just layed down and cuddled. That's when Levis mom and Mikasa walked in. When they saw the two, they just left them alone. They ended up falling asleep like that and Levi ended up staying the night.

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