Scars Pt. 14

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"How long is 'a while'?"

"A few y-years..."

Mikasa held him close. "Why didn't you call? I told you to call me if anything happened. I was the one calling you and you always said you were fine. Why did you lie?"

Eren just started crying hard and held Mikasa tight.

"I didn't want you to worry..."

Mikasa softly kissed his forehead.

"Oh, Eren..."


"I can't explain how much I love you. I may just be your sister and it may seem a little weird, but I do love you, Eren. More than my life."

Eren continued holding on tight to Mikasa. Then, Eren heard yelling and looked to see Jean picking on Levi.

"What is it?"

"Jeans picking on L-Levi.."

"Levi will be fine. He can win."

Jean threw Levi against the concrete wall. The back of Levis head started bleeding.


"What's wrong?"

"J-Jean threw Levi against the w-wall..."

Mikasa looked back to see Levi on the ground passed out. She ran back over and gave Jean another lesson. She set Eren down gently next to Levi.

"Fuckface, I'm not gonna tell you again. You fucking leave my brother and his friend alone or you and I are gonna have fucking words. Ones that aren't pretty. You're in fucking middle school. Grow the fuck up. Go fuck yourself."

She went back over to Eren and Levi. She carried Eren on her back since he was the only one to be able to move, and carried Levi the same way she carried Eren. Eren buried his face in Mikasas shoulder.

"Sometimes I think he's right.."

"Eren, what could he possibly be right about?"

"Mom probably never loved me."

"Eren, that's not true and you know that."

"How do you know? You didn't know what she felt about me."

"I do know, Eren. I know that she loved you so much. Just like me, she would've done anything for your safety."

"Mikasa, you don't know that."

"I do, Eren. Whenever you woke up from a nightmare, she rushed into your room and sat with you in bed. Sometimes, she would have you in her lap and just rock you to sleep. While she rocked you, she gently pet you as if you were glass."

Eren gripped Mikasa tighter.


"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For causing this.."

"Causing what? You didn't cause anything."

"I should've just never existed."

"Don't say that. I love you so much, Eren. Words can't even describe how much mom loved you."

"I'm not gonna get that from dad.."

"Maybe not, but I promise you, I will do everything in my power to protect you from any harm."

"I should've just taken my life the first night dad hit me.."

They finally arrived at the nurse. Mikasa placed Eren down on the bed and Levi next to him. Mikasa sat down on the chair next to it.

"Eren, I'm glad you're still alive. Armin's glad you're still alive. Levi, apparently the most popular guy is glad you're still alive. And I know she's not here right now, but she's watching you and moms glad you're still alive."

Eren layed down next to Levi and cuddled against him. Levi woke up to this.

"Something happen while I was asleep?"

"A lot actually." Mikasa chuckled.

"Explain. I wanna know."

"Well, what's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember Eren saying he should just not exist, but I was too weak to say anything. That's the last thing I heard. J didn't see anything, but I felt a pair of arms carrying me."

"That was Mikasa. She carried us both here."

"After Eren had said that, he said he should've taken his life the night our father landed his first hit on him."

Levi sat up against the wall and helped Eren sit up.

"Your head was bleeding earlier. It's stopped now."

The nurse walked in and wasn't particularly surprised to see Eren and Levi.

"Mrs. Jeager, what's brought you here?"

"I was supposed to be an aid for Erens classes but then Jean started picking on Eren this morning. Then, just now, he threw Eren on the ground and threw Levi against the concrete wall."

The nurse sighed and placed a hand on her forehead in frustration.

"When will he learn? It's ridiculous."

Jean walked in and Eren put his hoodie up and Levi held him close. Mikasa stood up with her arms crossed and her face had an expression that told Jean she hated him.

"Eren can go fucking die in a ditch."

Mikasa escorted Jean out of the room.

Levi continued holding Eren close. Eren felt like he was gonna burst into tears. Mikasa could tell.

"Shh, it's okay. I've got you. I'm holding you and I won't let you go."

Mikasa smiled. She was happy that Levi was such a good friend to Eren.

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