Scars Pt. 12

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Mikasa didn't want to let go either. They hadn't done this in a long time and Mikasa was enjoying carrying Eren as if he was 2 months again.

Time skip

They had all gotten to school. Mikasa drove them since Levis mom had to work.

"Eren, I'll stay outside for a little bit. I'll be watching through the window. If anything happens, I'll engage."

Eren nodded. Him and Levi walked to class while Mikasa watched to see if anything would happen. Nothing yet.

A few minutes after the bell rang, the teacher still wasn't there. He was late. That's when Jean walked in. Jean was also late.

As always, he started picking on Eren. So far, he wasn't doing anything to hurt him. That was when he said something Mikasa couldn't hear. Whatever it was, it left Eren in tears. He walked out of class and passed Mikasa on his way to the restroom. Mikasa grabbed his shoulders gently and bent down to his level. Eren hugged her tight.

"What happened? What did he say?"

Eren opened his mouth, but all that came out was whimpers and stutters.

"Don't be scared. I'll deal with it, I promise."

"W-Well.. H-He said some things about mom.."

"Like what? What did he say?"

"H-He said s-she never loved me and I was a m-mistake...and just a d-disappointment..."

Mikasa pulled Eren in for another hug. She didn't want to let go and neither did Eren. But soon enough, Jean saw Eren out the window hugging someone and got up from his seat to see who it was. Because Eren was facing where the door was, he saw Jean. He pulled from the hug and buried his face in Mikasas chest. Mikasa looked back and saw Jean.

She continued hugging Eren as she spoke to Jean.

"You messing with my brother?"

"No, I swear."

Eren held Mikasa tight.

"You've got a lot of nerve to be treating him the way you are. It's crude. I don't wanna hear it or see it. I will not hesitate to take it into my own hands. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now go before you end up in the hospital."

Jean immediately ran back to class and took his seat with his friends. Eren was still holding onto Mikasa. Mikasa put one hand on the back of his head and the other on his back. She held him close, gesturing that she would never let anything like that happen again.

The teacher then showed up and saw the two in the hallway.

"Mrs. Jaeger, I'm glad you could make it."

"Yeah. Sorry it was on such short notice."

"No, no, it's perfect. I've been needing someone to look after the class while I get called to those meetings."

Mikasa nodded in understandment. (Is that even a word?)

She continues holding Eren. The teacher was a bit confused.

"Mrs. Jeager, who or what is it that you've got a tight grip on?"

"It's Eren."

The teacher was shocked. "Did something happen?"

"Jean said his mother never loved him and that he was just a mistake and a disappointment."

The teacher walked in and told Jean to go to the principle. Jean then walked out with the teacher. He walked him to the principle.

"Eren, I'm so sorry. I will make sure Jean never does this again." Mikasa thanked the teacher and continued to hold Eren for a few more minutes. As the last few minutes went by, Levi was walking by to use the restroom when he saw Mikasa and Eren

"Shit, what happened?" He bent down to join the embrace. Eren gripped the two of them tight.

"Jean told Eren our mom never loved him and that he's just a disappointment and a mistake."

Levi held onto him tight. "I'm so sorry. That piece of shit. Where is he? I didn't see him in your class."

"M-Mr. J-Jason w-walked him to the p-principle."

"Good. Good."

"I-I think you should get back to c-class, L-Levi..."

"Eren, I didn't get out of class for the restroom, I got out of class because I saw Mikasa holding you tight from my classroom."

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