Chapter Nineteen

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He kisses my cheek, "Here, you feel." Peeta says, moving his hand away.

"It's okay. I can feel it inside, trust me." I laugh a little, still not feeling good at all but ignoring it to enjoy this beautiful moment.

It's the first time I've felt any movement.

"I love you, Katniss." Peeta says passionately.

"I love you too."

He plops down, careful of the puke on the floor, keeping his hand on my tummy, smiling like an idiot.

"I am so happy that you are happy about this."

I laugh and lean my forehead against his collar bone while he feels our baby and I try to resist the urge to puke or pee everywhere.

"You are the cutest thing, Peeta." I mumble.

I know we have our moments but I wouldn't trade Peeta for any man out there.

Partly because I know that there's no one else out there that would love me like he does.

I remember imagining I could never find anyone that would put up with me and convince me to have their children.

I never wanted kids but this feeling is so indescribably amazing that I don't know why I hated the idea so much, but then again, I know exactly why.

And I've been avoiding the thought at all cost.

I could lose them just like that and that is my biggest fear of this whole thing.

I had Peeta to worry about losing and now I have this baby to worry about too along with Finn, Carter, and all of my other friends.

But I can't just not care about anyone.

I already love them all so much.

"You are." Peeta says.

"I think our baby is gonna have you beat, though." I tease.

"You can think I'm cute in a different way."

I laugh, "Hopefully it stops soon. It sort of hurts. It's like it went from not moving to stretching out and kicking it's little legs." I complain, clenching my eyes tightly and holding my breath.

"Just take deep breaths and maybe it'll stop soon."

"I am glad the baby is moving but the movement is too rapid-it's fast."

"I bet it'll slow down, just try to enjoy it." Peeta tells me.

I sigh and start taking deep breaths like I do when I am having a panic attack.

It feels so weird.

There's an actual living thing inside of me and it's moving around.

I don't know how Bristol and Annie did it.

The only thing I am dreading now is actually having the baby.

I'm scared that I'll do something wrong or something will happen to one of us.

I feel little swooshes and bubbly sensations inside.

"This is so cool." Peeta says, amazed.

"I will tell you where I feel it and you touch it and see what happens."

He laughs and I point to the general area-he touches the spot.

It's like the the baby knows it's Peeta or something because as my heart rate speeds up, the baby freaks out.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin