She took a cup of frozen yoghurt out with her cos she wanted to go to miss Potts and I didn't wanna get anything cos not only was I full but it's just so hot for that right now. Even my sister got us Morrison donuts for our picnic and I had a bite and didn't eat the rest, I only had a bite cos she really wanted me to eat it. My fave donuts and I couldn't eat it cos of the heat:(

So yeah we went there but iehab really wanted me to eat, so she ordered me carrot cake (no snickers cake :( they didn't have it) she's thoughtful bless her. And we sat on those sofas. I went there with iehab first and we sat on those sofas and then I went there with A and sat on those sofas. Crazy how fast time flies. I remember it all like it was yesterday.

I had a little bit of the cake but took it home for my family to eat cos I was so full. And we wanted to go for a drive later. She was contemplating bay but I told her I'm taking her b rock. She's never been cos she thinks it looks boring and honestly there's not much to do, but it's a decent walk and you just walk and talk and chill.

Town was really busy cos of the Welsh game and we both didn't wanna be there when the game finished cos everyone would be drunk and loud and busy.

So we drove all the way down to my ends , and we parked up and we were the only ones there. We had the ENTIRE place to ourselves. I've never been there when it's just been me. We walked and talked and the drive there was so fun. We blasted music and throwback songs and both of us screaming the songs. I've haven't seen her chill like that so carefree in a long time . We both needed it.

We walked all the way down and we went to skip rocks but the ride wasn't in enough. We had to walk all the way down and it was too muddy for that. We sat on that famous log. My name is still carved into it. We carved H and I for my name and hers as well. We threw some stones like had a completion who can throw it the highest lol. See, this is what I mean. Like we just enjoy and chill in each others company so much. Throwing stones but it's like you know when you have that one person that you could do anything with? Even sat in silence and you'd still enjoy their company? That's me and her. InshAllah it'll always be like that.

We stayed there for a while and chatted and laughed. Someone had made a make shift bench out of big rocks and we sat on there too and carved H and I. And we walked back.

It was the first time I'd seen iehab scared though. She was like you can't come here alone though, cos what if something happens. I said ngl I have come here alone and a guy did approach me. He was so creepy. I was reading my book on the bench. She mentioned it a few times, not to come here alone. I was like I know for sure. I said to her, tbh iehab me and you are here walking together so we aren't alone but if a guy came up to us now, would we be able to defend ourselves even if there's two of us? And she said no. It's true. We won't be able to defend ourselves. Guys are just guys. They're stronger. I'm all for equality but I just think men are stronger. All you can do is kick them in the nuts and run away, that's literally all that would come to my mind in a situation like that if I don't freeze . I could tell she was a little scared and she's never the type to be scared, it's normally me. But ever since that incident down in bay when that guy was trying to get to us and his friends held him back, I saw a glimpse of her being scared there as well.

But alhamdulilah all was fine. When we were sat at the log, we did hear a few rustles from the trees behind us and we both stopped talking and quickly turned around to see, turns out it was just birds. But it's sad that we feel this way. I know we both got scared in that moment.

Anyways I did petrol on the drive back. She said to me she wishes she was like me, my personality. I was like what?? I wish I was more like you?! I was speaking to strangers in the elevator today, was an oldish couple, they're going ti see Peter Kay tonight. I just like chatting to people. And when I was at the petrol station. I told the female staff I like the smell of petrol and I wish they turned it into perfume and she laughed and agreed with me lol. I was actually the last car in the petrol station before they closed. That was a first as well. Never been the last car in a petrol station.

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