†Chapter 9: Trial of Jace and Liam†

Start from the beginning

(Y/n): "I plead innocent. Except the stealing and explosions. I did do those things."

Toughbutt: "Even when you tried to hide from your problem?"

(Y/n): "Hmmm... oh yeah. I plead guilty for that sh*t."

Jalen bumps on (Y/n)'s shoulder as they pulled her towards them and whispers to her.

Jalen: "The f*ck as you saying? You can't curse in the court!"

(Y/n): "I know, I know... sorry."

(Y/n) just looks at Jones for a bit as she gives him the middle finger quickly before the judge could notice. Jones saw it as he just chuckled.

Toughbutt: "I've gathered you and James Jones here because of the murder of Jace Clair and Liam Oath. Miss (L/n)... From what you told me, you never killed any of them but we still found you guilty before."

James: "I feel like she did murder them. She didn't even give the kid a chance to live. Either the man. And he might've been innocent..."

(Y/n): "Your honor, I object!"

Everyone looks at (Y/n).

Darreth: "Hey! That's my line!"

(Y/n): "Liam wasn't the man you think! I know that! I've seen it!"

James: "That's a lie! Just admit you are guilty for murdering them."

(Y/n): "Heh...You think I would give up so easily...?"

His eyes widened once he saw her look. An evil look like she had a plan up her sleeve. Her eyes sparkled as she had a grin on her face. The grin of a villain... with an evil plan.

(Y/n): "Everyone knows the story of Liam... he lived a good life to just end up dying by me. But you all are wrong! He lived to kill! He was a f*cking murder!"

Everyone gasps.

Toughbutt: "Do you have any evidence to prove that?"

(Y/n): "I do but-"

James: "But what? It won't be enough to convince everyone here?"

(Y/n): "Shut the f*ck up, b*tch!"

Jalen: "(Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Sorry! I just have... A lot of things going through my mind..."

The people murmured to each other as (Y/n) takes deep breaths as she calms down. She finally calms down as she speaks again.

(Y/n): "The evidence isn't ready yet. They need to still find fingerprints on it. So please..."

She got to her knees as she looks at the judge.

(Y/n): "Dame tiempo. Eso es todo lo que necesito por ahorita. Por favor..."

The judge thinks for a bit as he sighs.

Toughbutt: "Fine. We takes 5."

He uses his hammer to hit the table. The people muttered as they question why she did that. James was surprised by this. He couldn't believe this as he and (Y/n) were taken to another room.

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now