*⁠.⁠✧Chapter 8: The Lies We Tell*⁠.⁠✧

Start from the beginning

Cole: "Who's him?"

She had a serious look as she whispered loudly so they could hear.

(Y/n): "Liam. Liam Oath. The actual murder of Jace."

The ninja gasped once they heard that.

Jay: "I thought you said you got rid of him!"

(Y/n): "I said I gotten that taken care of! But he decided to frame me! Two times!"

Lloyd: "Because of what?"

(Y/n): "I think Zane knows the answer to that."

They all looked at Zane as he was looking up about (Y/n)'s information. He then looks up at her criminal records.

Zane: "She had been to Kryptarium prison about 2 times but in jail for 1 time. She committed crimes such as P*dicide, 2nd-degree m*rder, and illegal explosives."

Lloyd: "What?!"

(Y/n): "But the illegal explosives were actually a crime I did. I didn't know it could happen!"

Cole: "You killed people?! And a kid?!"

(Y/n): "No! Those things were the things I've been framed on! The child murder was because of Jace. They thought I killed him but I didn't. Liam convinced them I did it! Then the p*eudocide was set up! Liam Oath faked his death so I could be taken the blame when I found his body!"

They all look at Zane to wait if she was telling the truth or was lying. He looks at (Y/n) as he knew she was telling the truth.

Zane: "She is telling the truth. She didn't kill anyone."

Kai: "Then if you didn't do it, then the Liam guy did it, right?"

(Y/n): "Yes. But he has convinced the people I did those crimes. After he faked his death and I got into Kryptarium prison, he changed his identity to become James Jones. Kind of a sh*ty name if I do say so myself."

They all stayed quiet until a police officer arrived.

Officer: "I can see that only one of you have changed. The rest of you, change. Miss (L/n), you are coming with me."

(Y/n) nobs as she walks away with the police officer.

Lloyd: "Where are they taking her?"

Cole: "I'm not sure but it's not good news."

As they walk away, the man opens the door for her as the Commissioner was waiting for her. She sat down as the other police officer left. The room was quiet as only the light lamp was showing light.

Commissioner: "I think you already know why you're here. You remember what I said last time."

(Y/n): "I know. And I still remember. I'm sorry."

Commissioner: "We also got your message. With the evidence you sent us, I believe you will have another trial about both murders. And we'll be sure that James Jones will be there."

When he said that, she nobs as she understood the situation. She could finally reveal the truth. She could finally clear her name and take Liam down. After some talking with the Commissioner, she was taken to the phones where her friends were.

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now