Leaving Golden Honey Clan

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Dawn's POV

We continued on our way to Sapphire Moon, with Oliver leading our way. I couldn't help but feel restless and could feel that something was changing in me. "How much longer until we get there?"

"It shouldn't be too much further, maybe a mile." he replied with a small smile. I intended to smile back, instead I dropped to the ground in excruciating pain. All I could hear before my transition was Oliver saying, "Everyone back up! Give her room, she's shifting." I could feel my bones snap and break, my teeth elongating, hair sprouting on my skin, and only heard the sound of my bones and heart pumping. All of a sudden, it stopped. I lay on the ground covered in dirt and sweat, in the fetal position panting. Just as I was about to move, it started again. This time I could feel Oliver arms wrapped around me. "It's ok love, it'll be over soon. I'm right here. I won't leave you."

Oliver was forced to let me go when my body started transforming again. I don't know how much time passed, but when I opened my eyes, I could see everyone staring at me. I looked down to see silver paws. Not just a regular silver like most wolves, but sparkling silver. My fur was unique, that I could tell just by my feet. The next thing I know, Oliver is back in wolf form approaching me. We sniffed each other in a circle before I lowered myself onto my haunches signaling that I wanted to play. He just stood there looking at me as if I were a foreign object, so I nipped at his legs. He shuffled back not expecting me to be so playful, then pounced on me causing us to roll around until he pinned me. I tried to wiggle out, but to no avail. The mate of mine was too strong, but I have my wits about me. I whined a little as if I'd been hurt and he started to loosen up his pressure.

I took this time to get my back feet under his belly and launched him to the ground over my head. I quickly got up and watched as Oliver shook off his coat and glared at me. "Uh oh. I'm in trouble now. This is not going to end well, is it?" I thought to myself. He took a step toward me and I booked it in the opposite direction, which happened to be toward his pack. I had forgotten about the others, but my mind told me to run and make him catch me. I could hear his thundering paws quickly approaching so I started to zigzag through the brush. I thought I had finally lost him. I slowed down and kept my ears open for any indication he knew where I was. There was no sound other than me.

I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a great but gentle force. I pushed him off of me and gave him a pointed look. Oliver just gave me a wolfy grin and nodded his head to direct me back to the group. I walked over to him and rubbed my head under his chin. I could feel him tense slightly and then relax into my touch. I stepped back and started walking back into the direction we came from. We walked side by side for about a mile, pushing each other every so often. When we approached the group, they were sitting and talking to each other, but could also see that my mom was taking an interest in Riley and was having a conversation with her in the dirt. Oliver took me behind a big oak tree to shift. He shifted back and reached inside a hole in a conk, only to pull out some basket ball shorts and a huge t-shirt. He slipped on his shorts, turned around then held the t-shirt behind him for me. I shifted and quickly slipped the shirt on, which thankfully went down to my knees.

I put my hand on Oliver's shoulder and he turned back around, only to tuck my hair behind my ear and say, "You look beautiful. I'm so lucky to be your mate. You know your wolf is special, right? If I remember the lore, you were gifted special abilities by the Moon Goddess. Devin would know more about it. He's my Beta, you'll like him. Plus, he's going to help Riley learn ASL. The only issue, is that Riley will have to relinquish her bond with Golden Honey in order for us to accept her into the pack. She won't be able to mind-link anyone without that new bond. It'll be easier for her to not only communicate with us, but also to learn ASL a little better. There are times when Devin would rather sign than to mind-link. If you ask me, it's one of the most beautiful languages I've ever learned. Now, are you ready to finish the trip to Sapphire Moon?" I nodded excitedly and hugged him. I quickly released him as he chuckled heartily and backed up a little as my face started turning red like a tomato. I know it's not just my face that's red, as when I'm embarrassed my whole head, down to my chest, turns red and hot. I cover my face in an attempt to hide it, but Oliver takes my hands and kisses them. "It's okay, it was just adorable. Let's go."

We walked out from behind the tree holding hands and approached the others. Riley shot up and ran over to me, engulfing me into a big hug. "You were so beautiful! I can't believe you finally shifted, AND ARE A WOLF AT THAT! How did I get so lucky to have you as a best friend?" I just hugged her back and smiled at her when she finally released me. You could tell she understood. "I love you Dawn. You're the sister I never had." I signed 'I love you' by pointing to my eye, creating a heart with my hands, and then pointing at her. It was probably one of the worst cases, but I didn't care. Riley hugged me again briefly and then motioned for everyone to get up so we could leave.

We all continued in the direction of the pack and made sure we left no signs of us. Can't be too careful. You never know who, or what, could be following us. After about 30 minutes, we were at the border and had just walked into the territory when my mother and my brother(?) were pinned to the ground with silver blades at their throats. I stood there stunned and Oliver squeezed my hand to reassure me they'd be okay.

"Take them to the cells on the mid-level. They just need to be looked into and cleared before they are released into our pack." Oliver commanded the warriors. "And please, don't hurt them. Intentionally or not, ensure the others know as well. Anyone that disobeys will have to deal with me, and an angry Luna." The warriors bowed to us and looked at each other in shock before they ushered my mother and brother to the cells.

"WAIT! Did he just say Luna?! Why didn't I see coming? You'd think it would've registered before we got here. Oh my Goddess, I'm not sure if I can do that. I can barely take care of myself, how am I supposed to help take care of a whole pack that's easily twice the size of Golden Honey Clan? I think I'm going to be sick." That was the last thing that swirled around in my head before everything went black.

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