Icy Journey's

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"So let me get this straight, Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to come after you?"
"No, he clearly wanted to invite Harry to tea" Lena stated sarcastically, Ron sat stunned at Lena's sudden brazen response. Hermione insisted that the Ministry will catch Black, Lena sat stiffly upright attempting to process another dark wizard wanting to get to her cousin; the protectiveness was bubbling in her and the want to stay beside him until he was no longer in danger. She bubbled with this information, Mr Weasley had told Harry that a mass murdering wizard wanted to hurt him to bring Voldemort back to power. She wished to immediately attain all knowledge of the wizarding world in order to protect her cousin as he did for her on multiple occasions.

They sat in silence for a while as if frozen in a muggle picture frame, a rain storm had begun to strike down against the train windows and the country landscape was now beginning to succumb to the darkness of the night. Hermione clutched Crookshanks, her eyes darting between the two cousins and her red headed friend. Lena noticed the worried glances and saw this as a signal to try and lighten the dampening mood, "How on earth are you not dead?"
"Subtle Lena" Harry's mouth twitched into a smile as did the others,
"I'm just saying that you told me last summer one evil dark wizard wants to kill you and now, a mass murderer is after you. You don't really have the best luck in the world" Lena laughed along with her new friends, the atmosphere lifted slightly and she swore she heard a chortle from the sleeping professor.

The sudden screeching of the wheels on the Hogwarts Express sent a shiver down Lena's spine,
"What's happening? We can't be at Hogwarts yet" Hermione pointed out, the three watching as Harry stood up to open the compartment door to the sound of confused students. Jolting, Harry fell backwards into his seat by Lena as the train jutted forward making Ron flinch and whimper, "What the bloody hell is going on?"
"Dunno, maybe we've broken down?" Harry replied shrugging, Lena felt rigid beside him and he brought her closer to him as if his arm could keep her safe like a shield. Hermione's cat hissed and spat for a while and August began meowing loudly gaining Lena's attention, giving her enough time to hoist her into her arms when, the train lights disappeared like somebody had turned off all the lights from a switch but Lena had heard this was a magical train; that would be impossible. Sliding of the compartment door alerted them to sudden shuffling outside their compartment. "Ouch!" Lena heard Hermione yelp and another who's accent was so distinct it could only be "Ginny?"
"Hermione? Is that you?"
"Yes. Come sit down, you'll hurt yourself"
"Ouch!" A boy's voice who Lena had never heard before Harry groaned
"Hey, Neville..." helping the boy to his feet. Neville, another one of Harry's classmates, had been described to Lena as a soft and accident-prone boy; Lena noticed the ruffled curls in the light omitted from the night sky outside and wide eyes, Lena pulled the boy into the seat next to her.

Ice slithered across the windows, the temperature plummeting as it did so, as if all the life was being drained from the tiny compartment. Lena began to shiver holding onto whoever was closest, that being Neville and Harry; Neville was shivering and whimpering which didn't fill Lena with confidence that this was just a power outage. The children began muttering amongst themselves, Rob squabbling with Hermione and visa versa, Ginny defending Hermione and Harry trying to calm all parties involved. "Quiet!" A hoarse voice called out in the darkness, it was the man Professor R J Lupin, holding a fireball in his hands; directing it towards the door where something dark and eerily quiet was lingering. The professor held his flame higher and closer to the door, illuminating his face which Lena observed had a variety of old and fresh slash marks framed by his greying chocolate brown hair and his forest eyes were set and guarded. Lena's blood ran cold like sleet, as the door began to slide ominously open; she could see rotting flesh for hands which crunched and crackled against the door frame as it gripped the frame and underneath the hood was a gaping hole for a mouth. Professor Lupin stood strong and held the fire towards the creature, calmly stating, "We are not hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks or under the chairs. Leave this place" the creature did not move, it's hollow breathing in time with Lena's own. She could feel the world collapsing in around her and an odd burning that sat in her chest cold yet searing, she unwillingly took the darkness that followed like a breath before diving.

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