The Girl who Waited

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Relentless and stubborn was the young girl known as Eileena Dursley, in her two years of longing she had become hyper fixated on magic and learning about it anyway she could. She enjoyed her cousin coming home for the summer, but it was never long enough, she had learnt to control her magical outbursts since being first separated from Harry. It had taken many failed attempts and many of Petunia's finer crockery, but she now had it handled. Unfortunately, with the knowledge she had received from the giant game keeper came the estrangement from her parents and brother; no longer did they dote on their once beloved daughter. Dudley would bully her at any given opportunity, mostly she had become the replacement Harry but with better clothes and somehow more distasteful sneers and comments from her relatives. The Dursley's had spread the word that Eileena had become a troubled child like Harry, refusing to acknowledge any questions from friends and neighbours who all thought the young girl to be kind hearted and pleasant.
Much to the Dursley's dismay the two magical children in residence at Private drive did nothing to derail these accusations against them. Harry, now stronger boy and a true Gryffindor at heart, would rail against his aunt and uncle's behaviour and often give them sassy remarks such as "but you, unlike me are stupid big-D go fill your head with a brain for once." Eileena now went by Lena, only allowing Harry to address her by her full name though he mainly called her Rose and made sure to remind her parents on a daily basis of her presence in their lives with off the cuff remarks. To remind Petunia and Vernon that they birthed a child that represented everything they despised.

Lena and Harry were thrown into the same bedroom when Harry had gotten too big for the cupboard under the stairs, an inconvenience to the Dursleys of the biggest kind apparently. Her dark emerald green walls were littered with Hogwarts banners and moving photos which Lena had always stared at whenever Harry was at school. He would tell her the most fantastic stories of trolls and giant serpents and a dark wizard who wanted to kill him, at first this had terrified her but she'd came around to it; knowing in her heart she wanted to fight for and protect her cousin at all costs. When Harry would mention his school friends, Lena would imagine them as if they were her friends too: herself and Ron playing wizards chess, laughing as he won yet again and late night library sessions with Hermione, learning everything she possibly could about magic and Hogwarts. Lena couldn't wait to fill her wall with Hogwarts banners and photos of her classmates, to experience the magical school for herself; taking down her ballet and Disney posters in place of real magic and adventure. "You're daydreaming again, Rose" her cousin hummed from across their shared room, Lena sighed, "I know- I just can't wait to leave this place and finally come with you. It's going to be crazy!"
"After two years, I can honestly say I don't think you'll ever have the same amount of craziness that I had during my first year" The cousins smiled sarcastically at one another, "I think that record could only be beaten by wizard Jesus" Harry threw his pillow at Lena chuckling. They could hear Dudley now yelling in the next room playing his copious amounts of video games; they were reminded, "Oh yeah, looking forward to aunt Marge coming for dinner tomorrow?"
Lena smiled clapping her hands together dramatically, "Oh absolutely! I'm positively gasping at the chance for Margery Dursley to remind us that we're rotten eggs that need to be cracked as soon as possible!" Harry grimaced, "Ugh, that was probably the best and worst aunt Marge impression you've ever done- I think I got flashbacks"
"I'm sure if we stay well out of the way then we can look forward to both getting to go to Hogwarts- I still need to get supplies soon!"
"Don't worry about that, do you remember what I said about my Gringotts bank? We're set for life you and I."

The dreaded day arrived, Lena watched as rainy clouds rolled in as if on queue to her horrid aunts arrival, she could tell even Petunia didn't want to see her sister-in-law. Petunia was as haughty as ever with her shrill voice ringing even up the stairs so that Lena heard and came to investigate, "Harry! Harry! Open the door" Harry did as Petunia ordered, the great lump that is Marge trudging through with Vernon waddling behind her and her demon dog Ripper grunting at her side, "So there's the sweet niece gone sour" Marge nodded at Lena disapprovingly. Lena had never taken kindly to Marge Dursley, even when her whole family doted on her, she never appreciated the stifling hugs and the unhinged violence of her dog Ripper. Ripper was the cause of many of both Lena and Harry's magical outbursts as children; landing Harry on top of many roofs and Lena making Vernon question whether they had faulty electricity.

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