Destined for Greatness

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Within a matter of days, Lena had explored every inch of Diagon Alley, visiting the wizard bank of Gringotts firstly in order for Harry to make his cousin a joint account holder of the Potter family bank. They went around the wizard street in a complete state of renewal and shock, Harry and Lena were not in trouble with the law and they would finally be able to go to Hogwarts together. She hadn't informed Harry of the news the Dursley's refusal to take back their daughter into their custody. She couldn't break the weeks of fun and bliss they were having together, Lena would tell him eventually, but not today she thought to herself. All of her school robes had been paid for and fitted at Madam Malkins, she had purchased her cauldron set and she had tortured Harry with a whole day spent in Flourish and Blotts; where Lena spent hours reading excerpts from various magical books, Harry had refuse to let her pick up anything to do with Gilderoy Lockheart, "You're not becoming obsessed with him like everyone else was. I barely got Hermione to snap out of it until she found out he was a fraud."

Many afternoons were spent at Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour, the ice cream flavours were unlike any muggle creation Lena had ever tasted. She had deduced her favourite flavour to be between Canary Cream and Dragon Blood, Harry stuck with his favourite Chocolate flavour. Fortescue took a liking to the famous Potters young cousin, allowing her to even try working with Fortescue for a quiet afternoon. "You have a proficiency at working with ice cream and you have great people skills! You'll make a fine edition here in a few years young Lena!" Florean smiled down at her ruffling her untamed strawberry locks, "Thanks Mr Fortescue! It would be a pleasure to work here!" Harry grew jealous of her experience at the ice cream parlour, Fortescue simply commented that Harry could have free ice cream anytime he wished to which Harry couldn't complain.

When it came to thinking about a pet, Harry was more than happy to show Lena around the magical menagerie. There wasn't much room inside. Every inch of wall was hidden by cages. It was smelly and very noisy because the occupants of these cages were all squeaking, squawking, jabbering or hissing. Again, managing to beguile the staff with her spirited personality and unique way of remaining positive, she was given full access to the full menagerie's stock of creatures. "I don't know how you keep doing this Rosie, it's like you're casting bewitching hexes without even knowing it" Harry chuckled with his arms folded, while Lena simply looked inward at the array of pets before her, "It's not exactly my fault that all of wizard kind finds me to be the better of the two of us"
"But did you defeat a dark wizard as a baby?"
"No, but I have dealt with my parents. Which, some would argue is worse." They both fell into fits of laughter, unable to be serious for even a moment of their time together. After extensive discussion, Lena was able to purchase a particularly enlarged Siamese kitten whom she named August, when holding her Lena noted that she was half the size of her owner. Harry thought the name was funny, to which Lena explained "It was a simple reason I named her that. She was bought in August and smells like grass in the summer"
"That's kind of weird you've been smelling grass" Harry commented, Lena stuck her tongue out impishly, "How else do you think I kept myself entertained during your time at Hogwarts?"
"Your ballet lessons I hoped, not smelling grass!" Harry chortled as Lena strode away to Fortescue's with her very large kitten.

"I still need a wand, Harry! We forgot to get a bloody wand!" she stated impatiently one morning in the Leaky Cauldron, August by her side as she jumped onto Harry's bed eagerly awaiting him to acknowledge her. Harry sighed, "Just one minute Rosie, I haven't even gotten out of bed yet! You're bonkers!" Lena simply smirked, "Did I mention that they've brought out a new broomstick you might think about looking at while I'm getting my wand?" "I'll be up in less than five minutes."
Ever since strutting down to Quidditch supplies on the fine Tuesday morning, Harry had become infatuated with the new limited addition 'Firebolt' that had recently graced Quality Quidditch Supplies, he sighed longingly; Lena smirked, pulling Harry away from what seemed to be his true love, "Come on, lover boy. Riding brooms later, wand time now." As the pair went in, the bell above the door signalled Mr. Ollivander to his desk, "Hello and welcome to Ollivanders, makers of fine wands since 382bc- Mr. Potter to what do I owe the pleasure?" "Not me, Mr. Ollivander Sir. My cousin, Lena Dursley. Sir" he smiled at Harry then at Lena, who's nerves were raging inside her, "Ah, I see. Miss Dursley, I sense a powerful magic in you... Come into the light dear." Ollivander began to measure Lena by height arm length and the bridge of her nose, babbling all the while, "And you should never get such good results from another wizard or witches wand. Here-" he handed her a sleek black wand, "Ebony, Unicorn hair. Try it" Lena did as instructed, though very initially apprehensive. She felt a powerful surge of magic coming from the wand as she turned to see Harry nodding at her as he vacated the premises. "Give it a wave, whenever you are ready..." Mr Ollivander watched in anticipation only to turn to disappointment as Lena waves the wand and a glass of water to shattered next to her, her fiery locks curling and dripping, "Apparently not."

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