Underage Magic

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Harry and Lena panted passing the many identical homes on Magnolia Crescent. Feeling exhausted from the confrontation with the Dursleys they sat down between the small gap between 11 and 12. "I can't believe them! Especially Vernon! He-he strangled you- his own daughter!" Harry growled, his hands shaking with rage as he sat with his knees up on the pavement.
"Its fine Harry, honest"
"But they can't disown you! Now because..."
"Because what?" Lena insisted, taking a place beside him; she pulled her hair back shakily, avoiding her skin which was beginning to redden into a bruise, trying to diminish the sweat on the back of her neck. "Because of me you're not at home, with your family and being happy"
"You are thick right?" She stated huffing, "Harry ever since we were little you've been my constant. You have been my big brother more than Dudley was- the only time I was happy in that house I was with you." Harry smiled at Lena nudging her lovingly, "How did I get so lucky to have you in that house with me?"
"I wouldn't count yourself lucky. Most of my magical outbursts got blamed on you"
"If I'd known then, I would've taken the blame for you. At least, now we still have each other right?"
"Always, Jamie"
"Always, Rosie."

Abruptly, their moment of peace had ended as Lena felt an uncontrollable gut feeling to step away from the pavement, leaving Harry confused. "Lena what's wrong?" Harry watched her gaze as she peered down the gap between 11 and 12 Magnolia Crescent, two twinkling eyes followed Lena's stare, she couldn't breathe. "Lumos" Harry enunciated, casting a bright light down onto a giant black dog, almost bear like and frightening; Lena tensed up, feeling as though she was trapped. Her blood ran cold, feeling an overwhelming urge to scream or do anything but stare. Harry held her hand. The dog barked ferociously, causing Harry to pull Lena with him as they fell back. Out of thin air, a mountainous violet triple decker bus appeared before them, a young man that looked to be in his early twenties greeted them, pimply and thin faced. "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for a witch or wizard. To call us hold out your wand arm and we'll be there, my name's Stan Shunpike and I'll be you're conductor for this evening" he finished, looking down at the two curiously, "What'cha doing down there?"
"We fell over"
"What'cha fall over for?"
Harry grunted in defeat, "We didn't do it on purpose" he remarked,
"Well come on then! Let's not wait for the grass to grow!" His London accent was thick like his pimples that made Lena's stomach turn, she peered around the bus seeing if the black dog was still there, but it had vanished. "Whatcher looking at?" Stan hissed, peering next to Lena who shook her head, "Nothing..."
"Come on then! In! In!" Harry hastily handed Stan their trunks before stepping onto the bus; Lena trailed behind. The bus was unlike anything Lena had ever seen, on each floor lay 8 four poster beds with what looked to be old men and women in them, sleeping. Lena and Harry sat next to one another, watching as the bus revved to life. It travelled extremely fast, Lena almost fell off the bed in surprise and her stomach felt like she could throw up any moment. The driver almost crashed into a farmhouse but miracously it moved itself as it seemed everything else did. "What did you say your names were again?" Stan asked them, Lena stuttered, "Hermione Granger-"
"And Neville Longbottom" they could only imagine if the actual Hermione and Neville found out about Harry and Lena using their name's, from Harry's description she'd be furious and Neville wouldn't mind too much, but his gran would.

The Knight bus would spin and whirl like a raging river, travelling across the country in a matter of minutes. Harry ended up flying into the glass window a few times as they came to terrifyingly quick stops outside of Scotland highlands, the Welsh moors and oddly enough some Irish counties too. While on their journey to the Leaky Cauldron, which Lena remembered was a hub for wizard of Britain and provided an entrance to Diagon Alley; the cousins noticed, in between sharp turnings, the paper Stan was now holding. Lena knew the pictures moved in the wizarding world, but was still fascinated and suddenly unnerved at the man on the back of the newspaper. His black and white photo did justice in hollowing his cheeks further into his sharply defined skull, his roaring mouth uttered no words but Lena could tell he had some choice words for the photographers. Stan furrowed his brows at Lena, confused by her gawking at the paper in his hands, "Aint you ever seen a Daily Prophet before, Granger?" Harry looked curiously over at his cousin, nudging her to life, "Oh! No. I'm Muggleborn, about to start school" Stan tutted,
"Who's that by the way? That man" Harry asked, looking at the shaggy haired man on the Daily Prophet. Stan turned the paper in surprise, "Who's that? That's Sirius Black that is. Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black, Neville" Harry shook his head, Stan leaned close his pimples more pronounced as less distanced separated the three, "He's a murderer, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it"
"Well, how did he escape? Isn't Azkaban supposed to be inescapable?"
"That's the question isn't it Granger, he's the first one that done it!" Lena and Harry's eyes darted towards each other worriedly. Stan leaned in even closer, "He was a big supporter of... You-Know-who. Reckon you've heard of him" Lena turned towards Harry, knowing exactly who Stan meant,
"Yeah. Him I've heard of." As far as Lena knew, Azkaban was a prison for bad wizards and witches and thanks to Stan, she now was aware that Sirius Black was the worst of the worst. She thought for a moment how it would feel to be near him, his cold hollowed face staring at her probably thinking of all the ways to murder her.

The Knight Bus skidded to a halt outside a shabby looking pub, Lena shuddered at first glance this definitely was an old place; not exactly where she had imagined a centre for the wizard community to be. As they exited the bus, they turned towards Stan as he prepared to give the two some parting words of caution, "Be careful you two. Sirius Black could be anywhere alright?" Stan paused in surprise, "Oh my god! Earnie! Look!" A man in a bowler hat held Harry's shoulder beaming warmly. "Good evening, Harry and Eileena. I'm Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic, may I have a word with you both separately and privately?" They nodded anxiously. Lena felt close to tears, in one night she'd ran away from home and been caught by a Minister for Magic and obviously wouldn't be getting her Hogwarts letter now. She never dealt well with authority figures, she guessed it was something to do with the tyranny of Vernon Dursley.

Harry was the first to speak with the Minister, Lena awaited patiently by the bar in the Leaky Cauldron, it was eerie and quiet apart from the tapping of a tankard in the corner of the bar. A man in the shroud of darkness, tapped away at his tankard, Lena could barely make out his features but felt a pull towards him. She was interrupted from her thoughts by Tom the barman, "Miss Dursley, the Minister will see you now." Guiding her to his office, Tom snapped his fingers behind Lena as the doors shut, she hadn't seen Harry anywhere. She gulped as she saw his face was stern and slightly worried looking. "Hello Miss Dursley, please sit" she did so, her palms felt clammy and tingly as she prepared herself for something dreadful. "We discovered that your Aunt Margery has been located in a chimney outside Surrey. The accidental magical reversal department has assured me that she had been properly punctured and her memory modified, so that's that. And no harm done my dear" The Minister Cornelius Fudge clapped his hands together as if in celebration, Lena sat in the leather bound arm chair very confused. "Sir, I'm not quite sure I understand"
"Understand what, Miss Dursley"
"I broke the law. Underaged wizards aren't supposed to do magic at home as I was told by Harry. I tried to contain my magic when I learnt I could be put in prison for that-" Fudges hands rose to halt Lena as he chuckled to himself, "Oh, my dear Miss Dursley! The ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts- you are but a child it isn't punishable. So please do not worry about that" Lena relaxed in the chair a bit now, relieved she wouldn't be sent to Azkaban. The minister remembered himself, regaining his formal composure for a moment, "We have something to give you" he stated this now slowly trading his fleeting sternness for a warm smile, holding a letter with red seal waxing. Lena let a few tears escape her eyes, the Minister watched her open it rapidly.

Dear Miss Eileena Dursley,

We are pleased to inform you, that you've been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. For your uniform and equipment please see the enclosed parchment, please go to Kings cross station on September 1st. The Hogwarts Express will depart from Platform 9 3/4 for 11am.

Signed M Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress.

"Is this a cruel joke?" Lena asked through her tears, Fudge looked confused, "My dear girl, your education is not a joke. You are attending Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry; I've instructed Mr. Potter to show you around Diagon Alley until the school term begins. He will also help you collect your supplies." Lena could barely contain herself, she jumped up with joy and almost hugged the Minister. There was an awkward moment before he graciously waved his wand and the door opened before them, "I look forward to seeing what an excellent witch you will become"
"Thank you Minister. I won't let you down!" She chirped, walking joyously towards the exit before the Minister stopped her. "Miss Dursley, arrangements will be made for your living situation over the summer by the staff at Hogwarts. My deepest apologies that we could only convince your parents to keep Harry for summers, upon the Headmasters insistence."

Dursleys Tale of Moons and Maps {1}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon