"Look, your best friend died. I'm sorry." He exclaims in a genuine tone, causing Gwen to let him go. She gently places him down on the ground.

Gwen then quickly picks up her bag and runs to the washroom.

After a few seconds, everyone seems to return back to normal. "Dude, what is up with her?" My friend shakes her head.

My eyebrows furrow. "Maybe you should lose your best friend and see how that feels." I walk into my friend, pushing her aside and intending to follow Gwen to the washroom.

As I enter the washroom, I hear quiet sobs in a stall. I let out a sigh, slightly reluctant to knock on the stall door but I do it anyways.

"Hey.. you okay in there?" I say with a sympathetic tone.

"Go away." Gwen replies in a shaky voice.

After a few seconds, I sit down on the floor, leaning my back to the washroom stall. "I'm sorry about what happened to Peter.."

"What would you know about him?" Gwen snaps in an angry voice, clearly not intending to talk to me.

"He was my friend too, you know. We used to be best friends in middle school." I shift uncomfortably in my position.

"And he was one hell of a nerd." I chuckle before leaning my head back. "He was a good person, but not everyone treated him right."

I laugh a little. "Not like you did."

After a few moments pass, the door to the stall opens, causing me to lift my head up and turn around.

Gwen comes out, with tear stained eyes. She stands there with a conflicted look. I get up quickly, and offer some tissues.

Gwen breathes out, clearly trying to compose herself. "Thanks.." She mumbles while taking it.

And, after a while, she opened up to you about everything, which only made you even closer.

But even so, you knew she kept something from you.

Something that she would have no choice to tell you because it was eating her up inside.

You really cared about her, and loved her. Secrets and all.

"Y/n, let's go to our usual spot." Gwen nudges me with her elbow, causing me to shut my locker.

"I don't know.." I check my watch. "My parents really want me to come back and I need to catch up on the project we have due-"

"Please?" Gwen interrupts with a hint of pleading in her voice as she gazes into my eyes with her watercolour ones.

After a few moments, I sigh, breaking my stubbornness and Gwen convincing me."Fine. But you know I hate climbing up there."

Gwen smirks at my response. "Aw.. Is Y/n too scared to climb onto a rooftop?" She says in a teasing voice.

I roll my eyes. "Let's just go.." I grab Gwen's hand and pull her towards our usual spot. She seemed oddly quiet as I did that.

"My mom is literally on my ass about everything I do with you. So make this quick.." I say as I lead Gwen to the back of the school and near an old shed the staff stopped using a while ago.

We put down our bags next to each other.

" I can't believe your mom doesn't like me. I mean.. How am I not likeable?" Gwen scoffs while placing a hand on her hip as we examine the best way to climb up the shed.

a second chance | gwen stacy x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now