Water - 17 (TW: Suicide, SH)

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Ow. Ow. Ow. Shit my legs hurt. Kaedahara I stg you're so fucking annoying. Ily sm but you're such a bastard.

"Kazuha get your ass up right now." - Scara

"I'm awake, I'm awake." - Kazuha

"Yea yea- we gotta go to school." - Scara

"How do you expect yourself to do that on your own?" - Kazuha

"Fuck you" - Scara

"Not now" - Kazuha

Kazuha lifted me up off of the couch and carried me into my bedroom where we changed and ate breakfast with Kazuha's help ofc cuz my legs are practically useless at this point.

We're at school now. We went early cuz I know I'd go slower to my class as Kaedahara is a bitch. Yeah, he's beautiful and kind but he's a little shit when he's high. He's usually high though. I don't hate it at all. I'm practically curled up in a ball inside Kazuha's lap, I feel like someone's about to interrupt us. I buried my head in Kazuha's neck as he played with my hair and kissed me lightly.

"Would you ever leave me for Laila?" - Scara

"No. Oh hell no. I love you more than I love the fact that I'm living. Laila's just a stupid fuck that doesn't know how people work." - Kazuha

"That's reassuring. I love you" - Scara

"I love you too <3. Blonde bitch just walked in, she's looking over here." - Kazuha

"Mwah. We've got like a half hour 'till class, I'm sleeping on you till then." - Scara

"Sure, sure, I'll wake you up when you have to be awake." - Kazuha

"Good..." - Scara


Scara's asleep on me now. I can see his chest slowly rising up and down as he breathes softly into my neck. I lightly kiss him on the head. I love him so much, leaving him for Laila would be like moving from a huge, beautiful house to a cardboard box. Laila's standing about 6 feet away from us, I can hear her muttering about what happened in detention, how it was unfair and how Kuni was 'stealing me'.

I rest my head on Scara's as I close my eyes and try not to fall asleep too. I won't, I slept well last night. I run my hands through his hair as Laila stares angrily at the sleeping boy on my lap.

"Kazyyyy!! Kazzzzyyyy!!!!" - Laila

"hi. Shush you'll wake Scaramouche up." - Kazuha

"But I wanna talk to you Kazyyyy~!" - Laila

I remember that I have Miko's number - she gave it to me while Scara was unconscious - I could call her for help. I open Teyvat Chat (basically the WhatsApp of this AU) and begin to start a voice message to Miko while Laila is talking.

"Kazyyyyy you're so pretty, you could have someone much better than him...like me~"- Laila

She took her ugly af jacket off when she said that. Ew. Keep all of your clothes on.

"You should come over to mine and we can date without this brat knowing~ I'm sure you're an amazing kisser~" - Laila

I feel so damn uncomfortable. I notice Scara wake up slightly just as Laila says this.

"Yeah. He's a fucking amazing kisser. Wanna see?" - Scara

"N—" - Laila

Scara turned around and grabbed my shoulders, pushed himself up, then kissing me straight on the lips right in front of Laila. I get the hint and begin kissing him back. Scara pulls away first as I hit send on the voice message. Miko reads it in a couple seconds before I hear her walk out of her office and towards us.

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