A Further Relationship - 5

501 10 21

Kazuha PoV

Good he's okay...

"Hey Scara..? You okay?" -Kazuha

"Y-yes uhh I am." -Scara

"I told you to be careful..." -Kazuha

"I know... I know..." -Scara

"Should we work more on the project?" -Kazuha

"Could we do it tomorrow? Sorry.." -Scara

"Nononono! It's okay!" -Kazuha

"Okay..." -Scara

"Wanna hang out? If you're up to it?" -Kazuha

"Hm... yes. Let's just stay in my room for now?" -Scara

"Hehe okay! What do you wanna do?" -Kazuha

I said that with some kinda weird grin on my face.

I mean- he's so undeniably pretty... and those eyes..." -Kazuha

"If you wanna ask about the scars just go ahead." -Scara

"A- I promise I'm not looking at it." -Kazuha

"Why're you staring at my face..?" -Scara

"Your eyes... they're amazing..." -Kazuha

"H-huh..? M-my eyes..? Why...?" -Scara

"They're so so so pretty... It's so easy to just get lost in them..." -Kazuha

"Ah- t-they're p-pretty..?" -Scara

"...yes..." -Kazuha

"T-thank you.." -Scara

"Hey? Are you good? Your pretty much bright red?" -Kazuha

Scaramouche PoV

I'm blushing so hard right now....

My eyes are pretty..?

Do I have a crush on Kazuha?

N-no i c-can't have..

But his smile is stunning and his hair looks so soft to the touch... his personality is irresistible and his body looks perfect in whatever he's wearing....

"Hey..? Scaramouche... what's up..?" -Kazuha

"C-can i braid your hair..?" -Scara


I love braiding people's hair... I used to practice on my sister and my mom.

They say they love it and I think it looks nice.... What if they're lying though?

"Sure! I'm not sure if it's long enough though?" -Kazuha

He took his hair out of the ponytail it was and yes. It's definitely long enough.

"C'mon I'll sit on your bed. You can sit behind me if that works?" -Kazuha

"Sure" -Scara

He jumped up onto it but politely though.

"Hehe come on! Sit here!" -Kazuha

He patted the section of the bed behind him.

He had another beautiful smile on his stupid cute face. I stg I'll kiss that smile if you keep doing it.

Nvm I 100% have a crush on him.

I sat right behind him. Sitting on my legs because I can't stand the embarrassment of being RIGHT behind him.

Everyone says my hands are always freezing. I joke it's not too uncomfortable for him....

I picked up my hairbrush and began to brush his red/blonde hair until it glided through smoothly.

Then, I put it down and started with my hands. I sectioned his hair into 3 parts.

Subconsciously brushing the top of his neck with my 'ice cold' hands.

I did this every time I needed to move my hands anywhere near his neck. I loved the physical contact with my crush....

I know according to other people I'm not at all a physical contact kinda person.

But, if it's with Kazuha, I'm totally addicted to any opportunity I have to touch his soft skin.

"Hehe~ does anyone else say your hands are cold?" -Kazuha

"Yes hehe... I'll stop if you don't like it.." -Scara

"Aha no it's nice!" -Kazuha

"Oh uh thank you..!" -Scara

I'm so glad he can't see my face right now.

I'm blushing so damn much. He likes it?! He's the first one who doesn't hate it...

I start crossing the sections over each other in a basic braid.

He shivered? Are my hands that bad?

"A-are you cold?" -Scara

"Hm? No. It's nothing" -Kazuha

"Ah okay. Tell me if you are.." -Scara

"Mhm!" -Kazuha

Omfg I sense that dumbass smile. I wanna kiss that thing so gooddamn bad. He's just simply irresistible.

Ughhh he's so perfect.

I continued braiding his hair and I was correct. His hair so fucking soft. Also, it smells like flowers.

"Do you have a hair tie?" -Scara

"Yes I do!" -Kazuha

He passed one back and I made sure to take it in that way where you glide your hand along theirs.

His hands are also incredibly soft. I just want to be with him forever....

"It's done." -Scara

He's stood up and looked at his hair in the mirror. Please like it....

"AAAA Scara where did you learn how to braid hair??" -Kazuha

"My mom taught me. I always used to braid her hair as a kid." -Scara

"Your mom is amazing for doing that! Thank you so muchhh it's so pretttyyy!!" -Kazuha

"Ah- thank you." -Scara

Oh my fucking archons.

That goddamn smile again. I'm just wanna kiss you so badddddd!!!!

Wait a minute.... Why's he staring at my lips?

"H-hey Kazuha? You there?" -Scara

"I just wanna kiss you..." -Kazuha

He whispered that line - clearly not expecting me to hear.

"Y-you do..?" -Scara

"Ah- um.. maybe... yes.. is that okay with you..?"-Kazuha

"Yes. AH- I MEAN- UM-" -Scara

"Hehe will anyone come in your room?" -Kazuha

"W-why..? Well... someone can probably hear through the door... I have my own area of the study no one will hear us there..." -Scara

"Hehe.. show me where it is~" -Kazuha

"Sure." -Scara

864 words

Hehe the next chapter will probably be smut lmao. I'm gonna write it right now though lmao. Cuz like- Why not???

•Those Eyes• Modern AU KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now