School again - 3

699 14 31

Scaramouche PoV

There's tears running down my face as I stand up to turn the shower off.

I dry my hair and body off and sit down to look at the two scars from that incident.

One on my leg and one on my eye

They get stared at a lot. Especially the one on my face which, by now, is still covered in eyeliner as I didn't wash it off.

Oh well.

I re-did my makeup I went to say hi to my mom before I left for school.

"Hi mom." -Scara

"Hello Kuni. I heard the shower running for a long time... is everything okay...?" -Miko

"You know... just the usual ptsd from the 18th" -Scara

"Oh Kuni... come here.." -Miko

She pulled me into a hug.

At first, all I wanted to do was pull away but this was kinda nice...

Huh? A click? What was that?

I turned around, pulling away from the hug, to see Raiden with her phone out.

"Hehe emo boy has a soft spot for his mama?" -Raiden

"N-no... shut up Raiden." -Scaramouche

"Nope 🙃" -Raiden

"Just give it up..." -Scaramouche

"Hmph. You should be thanking me. I saved your life then." -Raiden

"H- I- ...." -Scara

"Hey! Hey! Stop it. Let's not go there.." -Miko

I hugged mama again I guess I did have a bit of a soft spot for her but I mean - maybe not biologically - but she's my mother and she saved my life.

"Calm down you two. Kuni drink your tea. It'll go cold. And Raiden, no you cannot eat dango for breakfast. Get actual food." -Miko

"How dare you... >:(" -Raiden

"Okay mom..." -Scara

"Good. You've both got to leave soon." -Miko

"I know... Hey Kunikuzshi! There's a new kid in school!" -Raiden

"I know.. I don't care.." -Scara

"C'mon little brother! They might be different!" -Raiden

"They'll just be another person that you have to send away from staring at my scars.." -Scara

"Oh your so pessimistic" -Raiden

"It's true..." -Scara

"Hurry up you two. You'll be late." -Miko

"Yea yea I'm going geez" -Scara

"HEY! Don't use that tone with me." -Miko

"Hey he's gone. Wanna talk shit about the girls at your job?" -Raiden

"YES." -Miko

At school

Scaramouche PoV

Ew it's cold in here

Who's that...?

He's standing by my locker? Red and white hair, piercing red eyes....


I span around.

"Heyo brother...." -Raiden

"A- Hi. What do you want?" -Scara

"You're staring at the new kid. Like jaw on the floor staring bro." -Raiden

"U-uhhhhhh I'm not wdym...?" -Scara

"Sure sure brother." -Raiden

"Get out Raiden." -Scara

"Fine fine" -Raiden

HOW. I-I'm not staring am I? No. I'm not.

He's just so... so.... uhhh...

Idk how to describe him...

Ah shit the bell I'm fucking late.

Ugh English 🙄

I hate english sm :|

The teacher also sucks.

Nvm that kid is going to the same class so I'll be fine.


I took a seat in the back corner of the class, right by the window.

I know I know classic emo but I like it.

What. Why is that kid walking over here...?

H-he's sitting down...? Hasn't he been told not to talk to me? Weird...

He's drawing little cats on his left hand with a black pen.

He likes cats? Me too.... Childe says I act 'cat like' but idk what he means...

Those cats are so cute...

Ah shit he noticed me.

I looked away immediately and definitely blushed a bright red.

I stared out of the window, my brain running with thoughts now...

Okay the teachers here now.

Damn 12 minutes. I could've left soon 🙄

"We're doing a group project." -Teacher

"Miss!! Can we pick our partners?" -idk 😃

"No. I'm choosing." -Teacher

"Xiao and Aether, Xingqui and Yun Jin, and... Hu Tao and Chongyun."-Teacher

Chongyun sighed at this.

Xingqiu seemed fine tho...

Idc about Xiao and Aether. They're definitely dating.

"And Kazuha and Scaramouche." -Teacher


He's- NO- I don't wanna do a group project with the new kid....

"Hurry up. Find your partners. The project is about space. Research it and present it. You have 1 week from now." -Teacher


I know nothing abt space... I guess that means the library.

The new kid's walking over to me.

720 words

Sorry for the angst drop on chapter 2 🥲 Tell me if you got any ideas/suggestions for the next chapters! I love KzSc so much. Idk how people hate it tbh but this book will probably be more fluff than smut but there will be smut 😏

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