A Place in the Woods - 9

336 9 3

Kazuha POV

Ehh... I sweaty af.. who's next to me?

A- Kuni! Yep... his shirts of. Dumbass really needs to learn how to keep his fuckin clothing on. I mean I don't mind but he's gonna be freezing when it gets colder.


I sense someone watching us.

I sat up immediately.

Wait that's Scara's sister?! H-huh?! Why's she watching us??

"Ooop- sorry buddy just getting teasing material from my brother!" -Raiden

"I- umm- why-?" -Kazuha

"Bro just look at him. He's clinging onto your waist. That's teasing material." -Raiden

"Wait he is?! What?!" -Kazuha

Oh I'm shit totally red right now. This is so embarrassing... uhhhhhhhhhhhh pls leave Raiden...

I felt a small movement on my stomach. I looked down to see Scara, still mostly under the duvet so that Raiden couldn't see his face, flick his eyes open

"Mm.. back down... it's getting cold...." -Scara

"Noo.. your sister's here by the way" -Kazuha

"Mmm... wait... RAIDEN'S HERE?!" -Scara

"Ehhhhh yes?" -Kazuha

He shot up and separated from me. He walked over to his sister and, talking in some kind of made up sibling language, made it so that his tired little shortness snatched her phone and almost deleted the photo before his sister took her phone back.

"No no no. My phone." -Raiden

"Eugh you bitch." -Scara

"Get up dumbass. I'll eat all of the pancakes if you don't get your ass up and of off your boyfriend." -Raiden

"YOU-" -Scara

They both ran out of the room, Kuni chasing Raiden through the hallway.

(He does have shirt on now btw soz abt that!)

"You're his boyfriend?" -Miko

"Yes.. I knew you'd find out soon." -Kazuha

"That silly little shortie better treat you well then"- Miko

"Hehe- he does!" -Kazuha

"Welp- your mom knocked on our door today, she was looking for you." -Miko

"How does she know where you live-?" -Kazuha

"We both get together to shit talk out co-workers so we're pretty well acquainted." -Miko

"Wow. Is she here?" -Kazuha

"Ye-" -Miko

"KAZUHA." -Beidou

"Get your butt out here and talk to me." -Beidou

"Helloooo mom..." -Kazuha

"Didn't I tell you to not have sex with whoever you do the project with?" -Beidou

"Wdym....? I didnt do it with him!!" -Kazuha


I did fuck him but that's besides the point... I was high as hell tho...

"Yes you did!" -Scara


"HE DID DO IT." -Raiden

•Those Eyes• Modern AU KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now