Safe - 7

475 5 6

Scaramouche PoV

Mhmm... I'm cold...

I open my eyes and gaze around the small section of the study that I'm in.

My clothes are on the floor? I slept in here?

Who's next to me?

Oh. It's Kazuha... he's hugging me?

His hairs a mess. Like someone's been holding it or something...

"Pst... Kazuha..?" -Scara

"Huh? Oh you're awake..?" -Kazuha

"Mm no. I'm half asleep.... Why do my legs hurt?" -Scara

"You remember last night?" -Kazuha

Last night? Ohh.. yes I do.

"Oh yea.. why's your hair like that?" -Scara

"Like what?" -Kazuha

"It's messy.. like weirdly messy.." -Scara

"Well I can blame you for that" -Kazuha

"Shush. Not my fault you were good at it." -Scara

"Hehe~ that's true.." -Kazuha

"Where are my clothes?" -Scara

"Behind you. Are you awake enough for food?" -Kazuha

"Mhm. Yes... but my mom doesn't know you stayed over.." -Scara

"Oh yeah, you could ask her if it's okay that I did?" -Kazuha

"Mm... I can.." -Scara

"C'mon clothe yourself you're cold already." -Kazuha

"Noo.. I like touching you.." -Scara

"You can, just with your clothes on." -Kazuha

"Mm.. fine.." -Scara

I sat up and felt around for my clothing and Kazuha didn't lie. They are behind me. Mmm.. I should try standing....

I pulled my shirt and pants on, I wasn't wearing socks. I'll drag Kazu into carrying me.. I don't like how the floor in here feels on my feet.

I pulled on his shirt to get his attention.

"Hm? Yess.?" -Kazuha

"You up.. me up.." -Scara

"Hehe...too tired to talk in real sentences?" -Kazuha

"Yes. Up.." -Scara

"Hehe~ sure." -Kazuha

Kazuha stood up and bent down to pick me up. Wha- why in this position? He's carrying me bridal style.... I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his torso.

I'm so tired.. I don't know what time we slept last night.. I didn't look at the clock yesterday. Too busy hugging the prettiest boy in the world.

He looks down at me and smiles. That stupid cute smile. Now, it's reasonable to kiss it. Using my arms to support me, I finally cave into the temptation of kissing it. He kisses back. We're still standing in my area of the study....

I take the chance once again to insert my tongue into his mouth.. I taste a salty taste on his tongue.. mhmm.. cum definitely.

"C'mon your body will hate you if you go for round two immediately." -Kazuha

I pull away and return to my former position of my head buried in the base of his neck. I'm so lucky this man made the first move.. I would've never been this obvious around him before.

•Those Eyes• Modern AU KazuScaraWhere stories live. Discover now